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Pretty Bored

Discussion in 'General' started by Brizz123, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Just found this forum. I'm not sure if it's only marijuana related but I am rolling on something else and everyone else went to bed and I'm so bored and wanting to chat.

  2. This is a great forum for like-minded people to relax, share news and information and just shoot the breeze in. Bored? Go explore, jump in. It's what I did!
  3. This place will keep you entertained
  4. My favorite Sunday of the year. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  5. Can't sleep and all I can think to do is think about him

  7. #7 Smokeymcbongs, Feb 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2014
    When im bored my roomate, frank, and i like to play a game called night crawlers. we get naked except for our boxers, turn off all the lights, lather ourselves up in greese and crawl around on the ground.

    Our friends say that we just act like worms. But i consider it more of an artistic expression.
    Wtf  :laughing:  :laughing:
  9. Yup this is after i eat my "energy balls" which is how i concerve money and continue my life of little to no responsibility. Theyre a simple concoction of vitamins, flower, and water.

    Im guessing frank has some kinda problem with the energy balls. For the past few nights hes left a turd in between us, and as we sleep back to back he has to blame me...
  10. Wondering when the fuck I'm going to get a damn call back on these job applications. So tired of being bored.

  11. energy balls are great for saving money on groceries. it's better than spending the money on 4 inch long fake acrylic nails
  12. Hahaha it's always sunny in Philadelphia references

    Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  13. #13 Smokeymcbongs, Feb 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2014
    Mehh double post
  14. Whos referencing? ive never watched it..
    Any similiarities my life may have with that show are purely coincidental. 0_o

    Lolol but seriously im glad someone got it, that first dude probably thought i was batshit crazy.
  15. Lol guy said he wanted to chat but only posted once

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