Presidential Canidate Gary Johnson: In favor

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by HCL, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. From my NORML update via Facebook:

  2. ....nobody found this newsworthy?
  3. Gary Johnson is the man.
    If Ron Paul and him teamed up we'd all be living a whole shit load cheaper.
    The money to be made out of hemp is by far the biggest money maker we aren't using.
  4. I like Gary Johnson and Ron Paul (great they jumped on the legalize bandwagon) - but I'm not exactly sure if that issue alone is of enough importance to vote for them.

    I find both to be highly untrustworthy.
    I think a free market system is probably one of the most dangerous things we could possibly do in our current economic state. So... get rid of all regulations and all that because it hurts business and that's one of the reasons why we don't have enough jobs... We also need to be "globally competitive" and in order to do this we just create this free market and then there will be no regulations on peoples wages or anything like that so we can all work like slaves - just like the people in china - now the American People are "globally competitive" slaves.

    Forgive me if I'm looking at it the wrong way, maybe one of you Ron Paul supporters can guide me in the right direction

  5. well some regulation is good, like minimum hour wages, child labor laws, ect. but our federal gov't got way to big over the years. it's both democrats and republican. and i love it when a conservative republican says they support small gov't when they actually don't. they suck up to pharmaceutical companies and other big buissinues. we should ban lobbyists. they have to much influence in our gov't

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