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Presentation while high!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by chris7531611, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Ok so i have this presentation when i have to talk about the dictator Benito Mussolini tomorrow.. and i was wondering if its a good idea to smoke just a lil before it to take the edge off ? cuz im not really a talker and im kinda shy.. its in front of 150 people. so do you think smoking just a lil before it is a good idea or not ?
    ps. i smoke quite often so im not gunna be stoned out of my mind.. help please :)
    thanks in advance.:smoke:
  2. If you're not really a talker why in the fuck do you think smoking weed is going to help?
  3. i dunno i thought itd make me less nervous ? :p lol
  4. Maybe, you'll probably fuck up bad though.
    You'll be less focused on the presentation, instead, youll be gigling at the people
  5. Remember that cannabis has psychoactive properties, I would want to be in the right mind set for something important like that. Smoke after you have finished. GL
  6. yeah aight! and my eyes get tooo red and puffy when i smoke! so fuck it.. ill just do it after.
    thanks ;D
  7. No! No.No.No. You'll probably be asked questions after your presentation. You don't want to be high tonight?
  8. yeah im gunna be high tonight.. lol. but i just thought that smoking a lil before the presentation would make me less nervous and more confident.. apparently i was wrong :cool:

  9. If you are a heavy smoker then just take a little snap or pinch in your piec that will lift you up and calm you down while not being to psycoactive.
  10. noone can answer that for you bro. i hate public speaking, but have had to do it as well in school. i find smoking, and using rotov to get my eyes cleared, helps a loooooot. it may be different for you. all you can do is try. if its not for you itts not going to be the worst thing ever, maybe just amplify your nerves a bit
  11. well i wouldn't say you're wrong because it depends on the person on how well they can handle themselves. But if u had to come on gc to ask, then i doubt you're ready. You need solid confidence to do this successfully. Or, just go on a very small buzz thats easily controllable.
  12. yeah ill probably put a very lil in my cig before it to give me a mini buzz.
  13. it can go both ways.
    either the weed will make you more sociable and you'll talk about Mussolini forEVER.
    or, you'll be very quiet and giggly...that'll be a dead giveaway.

    i always smoked before presentations because my professors know that i'm smiley and goofy all the time so me being high doesnt make me look suspicious to them. i dunno how you are though :T
  14. I wouldn't but try it in front of your friends and try to see if it makes a difference

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