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Preperatory questions for Potso Sauce

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Winged One, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. Me and my friend have been knocking around the idea of making a Potso sauce for pasta, since she's an amazing cook and her regular pesto sauce is rad. However, we've decided that weed will make it that much better. So...two questions:

    1. First off, we need to obviously leech the THC out of the bud. The issue here is that we really don't have a vacant house to use...the best we'll have is the dorm kitchen. Visually hiding the bud would be easy with all the chopped basil and other ingredients. However, actually cooking the bud would pose a problem with the smell. Any way to counter the smell?

    2. Now, we have two options...we could either make a regular batch of pesto and leech the THC with the oil that's necessary anyway...or we can make a creamy pesto. Is there any benefit to the second? Would there be much of an increase in potency?
  2. Processing is crucial when making edibles, if you want to use your material to its fullest potential.

    Edible cannabis can be more efficient than smoking, but only when processed properly. It's why we have so much dosage discrepancy, and so many failed edible stories (with entire oz's, and more, being wasted).

    If you have plenty of herb to spare, and there's never a day that you're 'dry', when you wish you had your meds/smoke, then feel free to experiment with much higher quantities of material, to achieve the desired effect from the little potency that is activated, and bioavailable.

    Otherwise, if getting the most potency from your material is important, then rather than tossing ground herb into a recipe and hoping for the best, you should concentrate on making a good oil. Toss'n'bake recipes certainly can, and do 'work', they just require much more material, to achieve a lesser effect.

    I hope you don't plan on cooking your poor pesto sauce just for the sake of extracting and activating your cannabinoids! The best pestos are made cold.

    Fortunately you have a few options for making a quality canna oil first.

    You could buy a crock pot, a hotplate for $8 - $15, or a toaster oven, and make your canna oil in the privacy of your dorm (some dorms allow simple appliances such as hot plates, coffee pots and toaster ovens).

    Or you could plan a few weeks in advance, and make a heatless oil.

    And lastly, if you follow the below instructions to the letter, and if you seal your material well, and wait for it to finish cooling before opening, you could make your oil in the kitchen. When processed properly, the best oils produce little to no odor.

    To effectively cover or mask any smell you may inadvertently release, in a separate dish in the oven you can diffuse an essential oil, and enjoy a little aromatherapy in the process. :) Any, or a combination of these, would be good:

    You will want to have your essential oil, in a separate ceramic or oven-safe dish, in the oven during the decarb, and again towards the end of the oil making process. Or you could just use it the entire way through, if you like.

    There are two equally important steps when making edibles, activation (ie. decarboxylation, which cases cannabinoid conversion), and breaking down that glandular material in a an 'edible solvent' such as oil, alcohol, glycerin etc., in order to promote bioavailability. Even when properly activated, cannabis glandular material is notoriously difficult to absorb, so both steps are crucial.

    A note on the specific recipe you're working on:

    Even with a pesto I still recommend making your canna oil with coconut oil if possible, for its enhanced bioavailability. You can easily concentrate your potency in such a way, that only a fraction of your oil content is coconut, and the rest is the olive oil you would traditionally use in a pesto.
    But of course, you can always make your canna oil using olive oil, to begin with. If not using coconut oil, I more-strongly suggest the addition of lecithin during processing, to promote bioavailability.

    To learn how to make this (or your trimmings...)


    Into, this...


    See the link below:

    (First Page, contains detailed information on decarboxylation, or cannabinoid conversion..
    decarboxylation is the process of activating your cannabinoids 'potency' by removing the
    carboxyl group in the form of carbon dioxide and water vapor, converting your cannabinoids
    from their acid, to their more potent delta forms):

    Photo Tutorial: Highly Activated Med Grade Bioavailable Canna & Hash Oil, Edibles, Drinkables and more...

    The best oils, produce little to no odor during processing, if sealed properly and heated and cooled correctly. You can easily put it in any boxed brownie mix... be sure to read the final paragraph for detailed dosage information.

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