So i had to come on here and make this thread. I work with this young lady, she's 23 or 24 or something. She has 2 little girls and now she's pregnant with a 3rd. Well, she was working with me today and i know she's smoking cigaretters still. Now, i'm a smoker so i got nothing against people smoking. She asks me if she can go smoke (i'm one of the managers there) and i told her no. Not because i have an issue with an employee going to smoke, i have an issue with a stupid bitch smoking cigarettes when she's pregnant. I had a nice heated discussion with her over it. Her whole argument was "well i smoked during my first 2 pregnancies and everything turned out fine. I just gotta stay positive about it and nothing will happen" Are you fucking kidding me? Why are people like this allowed to have kids? If you can't quit for 9 fucking months, get an abortion. I told her, it's not that you are guarenteed to have a sick or abnormal child, it's just that you're RAISING those chances much higher. Why can't women who get pregnant do everything right? There are still women out there who smoke and drink and do drugs when they're expecting, and that pisses me the fuck off. I don't like to bud my nose into other people's business, but i will give my opinion on a matter. And that's what i told her. I said, if i were your husband i'd smack you every time you touched a cigarette. OBviously her husband doesn't care enough about their future child to really get on her ass. What your guys' take on this? Should i mind my own business? (again, i just told her how i felt about the matter, nothing i can really do. I don't know her like that, she's just an employee). Was i out of line by telling her she's already fucking up her kid's future well being? Funny thing is, i've always been pro choice (please, let's not turn this into an abortion/pro choice/pro life thread), and i have no issue with women getting an abortion (unless they're getting them every other month) but when i see pregnant women doing stupid shit i wanna punch em in the face. If you can't have a kid "the right way" (aka make sure he comes out as healthy as possible, and do everything in your control to assure that) then you shouldn't have kids period.
You have a good heart to be concerned, but really - it is none of your business. Let it be, and let the couple deal with the consequences and long-term effects afterwards, you're not the one raising the child. Give the girl the smoke breaks in the end of it, I know how you feel as I've worked in Management before too, can't help but to not feel a connection with the co-workers and all, but it's her life and her choices.
yea, that's basically the decision i've come to. like you said, won't be my problem. I just love kids and i really hate stupid parents, well shit, i hate stupid people in general.
Honestly i totally agree with you. I think it's disgusting, there are plenty of couples who can't have babies and would give everything to have a child. Then their are people that have too many kids and don't even care that much about them. My stepmom wouldn't even eat cold cuts when she's was pregnant. She was sooooooo anal about everything... But that's how you should be! You're responsible for a life whether you want to be or not, you need to take every measure to prevent all the risks you can. The thing is you can't do anything about it, so it's a waste of your energy to be mad. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing though.
I disagree with OneLove and this other dude. okay, well maybe it isn't your child but we're all a part of the human race and if she's knowingly fucking her future child up that's just fucked up. how selfish can you be to bring something to life that isn't even asking to be created and setting it up for a possibly shitty future. you knowing that honestly shouldn't just let it fly like that. sure there's only so much you can do but telling her how bad she's fucking up and denying the bulk of her smoke breaks isn't a bad idea. some people do so much to do everything right and still end up having a problem with their births. honestly, if her first two children were fucked up her not giving up such a stupid habit she'd be so mindful right now but God was kind enough not to make an example of them. you were completely in the right doing what you did and you should continue do to what you can with discretion to teach her the errors of her ways.
sadly there will always be these types of people. best thing has been done, and that was you not giving her a cig, and telling her how stupid she is, nothing else you can do.
First of all, not a dude. Secondly all I meant was she pretty much did all she can already. There's no use being angry over something that's out of you control . She did what she could but ultimately that girl can leave work and does what she wants .there are disgusting and selfish people in the world,some people you can give a wake up call to... But others.. are just inherently selfish
first of all, as you can see by the number of my posts and join date i have not been around here long so if you want you would like my use of terminology to correspond to your sex please make that more clear in your general info. secondly, i understand what you meant which was technically right. the only part i truly disagreed with was just saying it once and forgetting. i mean like he/she doesn't need to be a douche about it but anytime the subject is brought up don't feel shy to express how you feel again and deny as many smoke breaks as possible. i mean the poor thing wasn't even asking to be born and it might grow up to be retarded and disfigured....
She's a grown woman and a mother, she's going to do what she wants regardless. It's still fucked up.. just as fucked up as lighting a cigarette in anyone else's presence. That second hand smoke..
You don't have to explain why it's messed up to me. Clearly I think so. Clearly I think it's right for her to say something. All I meant was some people are just narcissistic and selfish and at the end of the day that's not you fault. You do what you can but in the end if it doesn't matter, why be angry? You're doing what you can. It makes me angry to think of that but honestly I've experienced people do very fucked up things to kids. It's horrid to think of someone hurting an innocent child or baby . Born or unborn either way they're helpless. But people are sick. You can't change people and get them to listen if they just don't care. Maybe if she keeps mentioning it the girl will listen, but all I'm saying is that if she doesn't being mad is a waste of energy. You do what you can, and don't let sick people bring you down in the process. I don't see what someone has to be angry to care. It's fucked up, but there's a lot of fucked up people in the world who just don't care. That's all I meant. I don't see why you to respond righteously like I am wrong. I never said she shouldn't do anything, i said she should do what she can but not let it affect her because it's not her fault if she can't do anything
I agree with you guys. If you can't put down a cig for 9 months to "sacrifice" for your child, you have no business having one. Sickens me everyday to see how humanity's common sense is rapidly declining.
it also kinda plays a personal note to me. My son was born with club feet(easily curable birth defect, runs in the mother's family. He's all good now) so it does bother me when we did everything right and something still went wrong. When i see people who are so negligent and just straight retarded it angers me. Why was my son born with issues? Why wasn't it the mother that smokes and didn't even care about what her kid would look like? You know they do always say life's a bitch, and she is. Thankfully it's a easily cureable issue but it's an ISSUE nonetheless. Could've been something worse.
on the date of birth for her next child it will be interesting to see her teary face crying with a retarded child with the thought "i should have stopped smoking" racing through her head a million and one times
wow, that's rough. i'm glad to hear your son is doing well does she know about the issues you son had? does she know how hard you worked to attain the healthiest possible baby, yet he was born with a health issue? might make her think twice. worth a try. although you meant well, i do think you slightly overstepped your bounds. but i would not apologize for the transgression... instead stress the fact that i only did it out of concern for the well being of the wee one.
i don't particularly like to disclose that kind of information (i just did here cause it was kinda relevant to the topic. Besides, it's an internet forum) It's not that i'm ashamed of it or anything like that, i just don't like telling people private details of my or in this case my son's life. Only our families and very close friends know.