Pregnant Teens.

Discussion in 'General' started by k4rts, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. I feel like teens who want to get pregnant choose so because they have nothing else going for them in life and it gives them a purpose. My sister dropped out of high school, quit her job, and fell in love with a 5 star douchebag. Ever since she's been with this guy she has turned into a disrespecting bitch. She doesn't appreciate anything that is done for her. My parents and the douchebag parents pay for everything. They are spoiled rotten..everything is handed to them. Why would they get a job? She has a free ride. She's been arrested twice because an argument between her and her bf got so heated the cops needed to be called. She's been arrested for shoplifting also. I'm just so dissapointed in my sister. I feel like my sister wanted to get pregnant just so she wouldn't have to have any kind of responsibility. Half the time my mom is watching her baby while she goes and hangs out with her boyfriend.
  2. Yep, it's sad. A child is a wonderous creation, but your life is over.

    My friend's sister was pregnant at age 14... fuckin' crazy. Guy said he loved her, and then ran off, had a baby with another girl, and married her. I feel sorry for the child who is sure to face the problems of the future at the hands of their irresponsible "parents".
  3. throughout my 4 years in highschool. over 20 girls i knew got pregnant. going to that school..

    fucked up.
  4. Your parents and his parents need to stop enabling them. It's the only reason she's gotten so bad.

  5. Yes...the only people to blame here are her parents. She can't be considered responsible for her own actions ;) :smoking:

  6. Parents gotta do their part, they're responsible for the adult their kid becomes in many ways.
  7. Alot of my friends have kids and its getting ridiculous. Actually, my best friend currently has a kid coming his way and I'm going to be the Godfather.. so he says. Deep down I know most of my friends aren't mature enough to have a kid yet. Which makes me wonder how could they ever raise a child responsibly. :\

  8. LEGIT.

    I'm a senior and the number of girls I know who are pregnant//had a baby has got to be reaching 20..

    one of my homies and his girl are preparing to have a baby within the next 6 months... its fuuucked
  9. A girl who was in my high school got pregnant when she was 15 to, and I quote, "piss off her mum."

    I hope to god someone takes her baby from her.

  10. Well yea..I'm not saying the parents weren't aiding it by making things easy for her...but they didn't make the choices for her.

    They helped but they aren't "the only reason she's gotten so bad"

  11. It's your parents fault to be honest. Because nobody in their right mind would have a child to avoid responsibilities unless they knew they could use the kid to manipulate people. Your parents should cut your sister off. If the kid needs shit they should buy it not give your sister money to buy it. Then cut her off completely later on.

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