Hi, I am from Poland. In our country smoking pot is a very big crime, but I smoke anyway. It's not my fault, that our country is so f...king stiupid. I a 28 yeras old and I had found out a two weeks ago I am pregnant! I did't now for first 8 weeks. I was taking birth control pills for 7 last years. They didn't work one time, any doctor can't tell my why. I had a medical examination and me and the baby are fine. It's like 9-10 week right now. But I am scared. I am a pot smoker for 9 years. I had smoke pot every day. I cant sleep without it. When I found out I'm going to have a baby I had stop smoke pot for 3-4 days. But I CANT SLEEP! And the morning sickness are terrible! When you are pregnant you can't take any painkillers, because they can kill your baby In a pass few days I was searching a lot of information about smoking pot during pregnancy. Some woman say that they had smoke pot during all there pregnancy and the babies is fine. In other resarches woman said, that pot is very bad and can cause some dieseases to the child. In my country is no reserches for this topic. I don't know what to think. Please help me. Please anwser my few questions :-( 1. Does smoking pot during pregnancy is bad? 2. Do the child gets oxygen when I am smoking ONLY before I go to bed? I am smoking clean pot, I don't smoke tobacco or cigarettes at all. I dont smoke during the day at all. Just at night when I cant sleep. 3. Does pot can cause down syndrom ????? 4. Does children have serious illness like problems heart or breathing ? 5. Can I smoke untill the first trimester ends? How about second and third? Please help anwser my questions, please don't judge me. I am scared. I didn't know that the birth control pills won't work. If I consciously plan to have a baby my body would be prepared for it - I would stop smoking like a yer befor I will think about being pregnent. But the fate is unknown. Now I want to do the best for my baby to keep him/her safe. I want him/her to be healty. But I am so scared that when I'm going to put the pot away my body would go crazy I can lose this child! I am so scared to ask my DR, because like I said. In my country smoking pot is a very big crime. We go to jail for like 15 years for it ;-/ Sorry for my bad english. I woulg be glad for ANY INFORMATION FROM YOU. Please help!
Iv always been of the belief that any foreign substance can interfere with pregnancy, but im not a doctor...and its your body.
yes, but what about woman who smoke cigarettes or drinking beer? That is worse than a little, very small joit of pure pot. Please anwser my questions. I don't have such knowledge as you, because in my country every medical book said that pot is harmful like cocaine. F...cking nonsense!!!!!!
Har har, anyway I would not recommend using any foreign substances while your pregnant. This is your child, would you be able to live with yourself if they had a birth defect? Don't risk it Sent from my iPhone 5 using GC Forum
Try Google. When my girlfriend was pregnant she researched it before she made her decision. If you can't find anything on it PM me and I'll have her send a message back with what she found out and such. Probably gonna get some assholes in here harassing you for smoking while pregnant, just a heads up! And congrats!
Yes because the smoke that goes into her lungs is sooooo much more dangerous than eating a cookie that would be digested and sent to the child. Either way its THC! Lol
Prenatal Marijuana Exposure and Neonatal Outcomes in Jamaica: An Ethnographic Study [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9WorIM0RhA&feature=related]Marijuana Cannabis Use In Pregnancy Dr. Dreher - YouTube[/ame]
I had read EVERYTHING IN ENGLISH what I could found on google. like EVERYTHING! I also saw this video with dr.Dreher I am so scared but I am smoking because I am scared more about that when I will stop smoking my baby would die. I am smoking for 9 years, abot 9 joint at day. Now I am smoking ONE, very little, just to go to sleep
Anything you take in goes to your baby as well. Personally I think its foolish but its your body, but what's best for the baby is what matters, if not smoking is bothering you that bad and you can't put it aside for your child then there may be bigger problems. Granny will be here soon to square it all away.
I hope everything works out during your pregnancy then. Just don't be upset should any issues happen. Sent from my iPhone 5 using GC Forum
There's a link in granny's list that says babies with cannabis in their body have a lower infant mortality rate...I'll pull it up when I get to a computer. EDIT: Got it. The first link is the one I'm talking about. The rest of the ones are just some more info on it. Thanks Granny! Pregnant Women Smoking Pot Could Reduce Infant Mortality (news - 2010) http://www.opposingviews.com/i/pregnant-women-smoking-pot-could-reduce-infant-mortality Pregnant women turning to cannabis for morning sickness relief risk prosecution (news - 2010) http://stash.norml.org/pregnant-wom...-for-morning-sickness-relief-risk-prosecution Scientific Opinion on the safety of hemp (Cannabis genus) for use as animal feed (full – 2011) (deceptive title) http://www.hanf-info.ch/info/en/IMG/pdf/EIHA-11-05-31_EIHA-Statement_on_THC_in_feed.pdf Sex difference in cell proliferation in developing rat amygdala mediated by endocannabinoids has implications for social behavior (full – 2011) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2996668/?tool=pubmed Prenatal tobacco, marijuana, stimulant, and opiate exposure: outcomes and practice implications. (full – 2011) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3188826/?tool=pubmed Commentary: Functional Neuronal CB2 Cannabinoid Receptors in the CNS. (full – 2011) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3137183/?tool=pubmed Medical Marijuana: Can Pot Help Pregnant Women With Vomiting and Nausea? (article – 2011) http://patients4medicalmarijuana.wordpress.com/2011/01/13/pregnancy-and-medical-marijuana-can-pot- help-pregnant-women-with-vomiting-and-nausea/ Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: an underreported entity causing nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. (abst – 2011) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21170540 Cocaine, Opiate, and Cannabinoid Infant Mortality Study (news – 2011) http://www.theweedstreetjournal.com/cocaine-opiate-cannabinoid-infant-mortality-study/ Pharmacological characterization of the peripheral FAAH inhibitor URB937 in female rodents: interaction with the Abcg2 transporter in the blood-placenta barrier. (abst – 2012) http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.02098.x/abstract 698 Researchers study neuroprotective properties in cannabis (news - 2012) http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/03/20/researchers-study-neuroprotective-properties-in-cannabis/
Lol smoking while pregnant can give the baby cancer....I think you found the bullshit anti weed retards. I don't see how it could do any harm. Maybe the hot smoke could have some adverse effects. If I was pregnant (and a woman) I wouldn't smoke. Just seems like a responsible thing to do. Try Benadryl for sleeping and congrats!
I believe inhaling of burnt plant matter/paper is detrimental to the fetus. try vaporizing. Women who have indulged in alcohol drinking when they were pregnant discovered their children to be born with fetal acohol syndrome.
The link I posted said nothing about how they smoked it. Yet the survival rate of the cannabis-positive babies was double that of the drug-free babies.
I dont drink ANY alcohol, I dont smoke ANY cigarettes! I never had. I just smoke pot. I didnt think about joint paper. Maybe I should try a bong? Or mayby I should stop?? I am so confused.. ;(((((((((((((