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pregnancy and smoking marijuana...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MyRuca, Jan 13, 2010.

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  1. so ive been getting a lot of conflicting answers to this, so ive decided to come on here and ask the question.

    if you are pregnant, is it "bad" to smoke weed?

    i meen it helps with nausia, so wouldnt it be a good thing?

    ive been told its bad for the baby, that its good for the pregnancy, that its better than smoking ciggs... and other things...

    i just wanna know if anyone knows anything about this, and ide like to also know your oppinions.....

    thanks guys! :bongin:
  2. well, why risk certainly isnt fair to the baby. if i were a pregnant woman i'd wanna give the baby the best possible start.
  3. i fully agree with this. baboes should get the best possible start, but what if pot is the only thing to take away the nausia and its like super bad... i meen like constantly feeling like shit without it.... :confused:
  4. i agree wit above why risk it its time for a good 9 month t-break and after you pop that sucker out you'll have low tolerance and a healthy baby:hello:
  5. Yea definitely say a no-no here. I would just never take the risk. You gotta be able to take a break for the months that your having a baby or else why would you decide to become a mother? Something as easy as taking an extended smoking break shouldn't be debated upon if it means helping the baby. Don't do it. PERIOD
  6. Just one of the hardships and tribulations of parenting and pregnancy. Can't turn to something that'll potentially harm your kid to fix that. Other mothers go through it to and there might be medicine to help the nasuea. Just keep your kid as top priority for the next 9 months and hell even the rest of your life.
  7. yeah i wouldn't recommend it. There haven't been enough studies done on it to really say it is or isn't a good idea, but its better to be safe now than to possibly screw up your childs life. if you can't go nine months without it for your child then maybe it wasn't a good idea to have someone dependent on you in the first place.

    If you really need to, maybe edibles would be better. The best thing you could do is talk to your doctor rather than rely on strangers on the internet who may or may not know a damn thing.
  8. they do have anti nausia meds out there... and dont think im arguing, because im not, if i didnt want your guys's oppinions, or knowledge i wouldnt have asked...
    but my theory is, and correct me if im way off, is its probably better for the baby to use a natural anti nausia over a made made pill substance that has nothing natural in it whats-so-ever..... does that make sence?? or am i off my rocker? i meen... plans are to quit smoking ciggs, no beer, wine, or booze (even though they say you can have a glass of wine, or a glass of light beer every so often...), and cutting back on bud. but if its going to harm the child there will be no cutting back, just a 100% stop.
  9. well of course i am going to go to my doctor when the time comes to go to my doctor, but i wanted to get a little feedback, whether right or wrong. oppinions are always appreciated!
  10. #11 Exhalation, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010

    personally i would even take any meds, at all, however id rather someone use cannabis over something like ummmm, dramamine. but then again i wont even take any meds for headaches, tylenol, etc.. unless it gets horrible. i feel like a hypocrite but ... LD50 is pretty low for cannabis and quite iffy for dimenhydrinate. final decision is up to you though. completely agree with Tharedheads post, no meds at all.
  11. thank you for the research and the link, it was farely helpful. im probably going to have to look at it again in the morning to fully understand everything, ithink im just too tired....

    but thanks!! you rock!:D
  12. I would say no , no matter what and i mean suck it up so your tummy hurts i think babys comes first
  13. I'm pretty sure smoking weed does stunt brain development too, though only for a little while. That only matters for growing kids (basically anyone under age) but for a fetus it would probably be best to give it as much time to develop as possible, as the developmental time is very important.
  14. I have a friend whose wife smoked throughout two pregnancies. Both children have developmental issues.

    The second child was very premature and the wife and child almost died in childbirth and is VERY developmentally stunted and has many many other complications not just mental development. The doctors have never given her more than a couple years to live, but she has hung on for seven or eight years now.

    Do I have proof or have I ever heard if the doctors think it has anything to do with the Marijuana. No.

    Is it worth risking. Hell no.

    If my GF and I were going to get pregnant, I think we'd take an extended smoke break before even trying to get pregnant. Better safe than sorry.
  15. #16 BuryMeInTrichs, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
  16. Be an adult and deal with the nausea. I'm sorry it's just putting your baby in risk of something. Not saying weed is bad. but with a little infant it can be. I'm sure your going to get alot of no's but then a lot of yes. I say no. Weed isn't that important. And if your Bf/husband smoke around you. just tell him to do it not around you so you don't get tempted or angry.
  17. You'll also constantly feel like shit when your child comes out with birth defects. Not that that would necessarily happen, but you really need to weigh the outcomes. Are you willing to trade a few minutes of nausea relief for a lifetime?
  18. this thread is riddiculos any kind of smoking is bad for the baby. your gonna get the baby high this is also being ignorant of you to even think about doin this :( ITS COMMON SENSE!
  19. No, dont use it. It doesn't have any known cognitive affects to babies during pregnancy, from my knowledge. But you dont want to risk it.

    I say ONLY use it while in labor/before labor, to ease the pain.

    AND dont take painkillers for the pain. Use natural.
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