Hello, I am a 21 year old junior college student and last spring January 2015, I was charged with counterfeiting (fake ID Silk Road) I was 20 at the time I had it since I was 18. Anyways it was a Class D felony in the state of Indiana and my lawyer got it down to a misdemeanor and then got me pre trial diversion (200 community service hours and a small fine) I also obviously cannot get in trouble while on diversion. I have completed 160 recorded hours sent to the prosecutor and I have have done 35 more hours but they haven't been sent to him yet, so I'm technically at 195 hours. I was curious to know if they drug test you for non drug offenses while on diversion. I also no probation officer and they did not piss test me at all while going through the WHOLE legal process. What are yalls thoughts on a drug test? Will they test me after I've competed my part of the agreement?
Damn in my state if your caught with a fake all you get is a fine Lol unless you're doing some other stuff with it Sent from my SM-G928V using Grasscity Forum mobile app