Pre-mixed nutrients: worth it?

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by jhenson, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Are pre-mixed, or nutrient lines such as 'Nectar For the Gods' worth the cost?  I'm looking to save some money for my grow, but not at the expense of quality.  I'm generally the type of person who would rather piece together ingredients separately instead of buying something ready-to-go off the shelf.  Also, I'm worried that like most products, they have the incentive to recommend more than you need.  Am I better off buying nutrients in their raw form, and mixing them myself?  Thank you for any insight and information.  

  2. [quote name="jhenson" post="19375594" timestamp="1390250698"]Are pre-mixed, or nutrient lines such as 'Nectar For the Gods' worth the cost? I'm looking to save some money for my grow, but not at the expense of quality. I'm generally the type of person who would rather piece together ingredients separately instead of buying something ready-to-go off the shelf. Also, I'm worried that like most products, they have the incentive to recommend more than you need. Am I better off buying nutrients in their raw form, and mixing them myself? Thank you for any insight and information. [/quote]IMO they are a waste of your money.If you mix your own soil you want to be able to control ratios of your amendments. You would do well to stay out of the Hydro/grow stores.Most quality amendments can be found at feed and grain or garden centers for much less coin.The real concern for quality should be your humus source. It is the foundation of the mix.This thread has some good info. Organic Soil Mix for BeginnersMj
    Don't fight your nature.  In this case, you are spot-on.  And don't stop at nutrients.  Make your own soil, too!  Read the pinned articles on the organic section and you will know how to make your own soil and nutrients.

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