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Practicality question about growing regular photos

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by turtle360, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. I've never grown photo plants, autos only. If I chose to grow photos from non feminized seeds because let's say I wanted to benefit from the more stable genetics, how can you be prepared to handle a certain amount of plants? Is it 50/50 that any regular seed will be either male or female? If the grow space can take 2 plants and you start 4 you could end up with 4 female plants? And if you start only 1 or 2 you may have to wait weeks before finding out you have none?
    Am I off base here?

  2. #2 mrfett3463, Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2014
    If you're doing regular seeds you never know. I've read all sorts of stuff and people arguing the numbers but no solid facts. Ive read about people planting 10 and getting 10 females and also read about people planting 10 and getting 7 males. Just kinda depends on luck and genetics.
    Your best bet is start some seeds, find the best female out of them and then just do clones. Then you would know all your plants had the genetics you wanted.
  3. I'll buy some regular photos and have a run, taking clones of every one to preserve the unique phone types you can find, then choose which one I wanna keep around as a mother after the I compare the finished product.

    Then I'll do a few runs cloning from a mother. Depending on how I like it, I might keep the mother around for a while or I might just chuck her if I need space for something else. I kinda like having 2-3 small mothers around at a time.
  4. you show me how?
  5. #5 MayorMcStoned, Nov 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2014
    Show you how what? To clone? Keep mothers? Cycle plants? Cull males? Do a barrel roll?

    ;) just messin man, all these topics are covered in depth around here.
  6. Yeah, all that.
    You had to say barrel roll.........

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