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PPP1's Bud/Oil Thread

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by PurePowerPlant1, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Sup guys i should have done this along time ago, but i want to make a seprate thread just for my bud/oils because i feel like they are not getting enough love on my Glass thread.

    Just grabbed this stuff the other night, smells piney, and a bit peppery, when you crack open a nug you get a quick whiff of the cheesy/skunky/fuely smell. Lots of orange hairs, the leaves are a light"er" green color. Buds are very compact and rock hard. Lots of skinny leaves still on the bud lead me to believe its Sativa dominate.

    Some nugs i just picked up

    [ame=]Quick Flower Vid - YouTube[/ame]

    And some pics to go along with











  2. Awesome buds man!:smoke:
  3. oillllllll
  4. #4 PurePowerPlant1, Jan 5, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2013
    Just made this stuff today, not sure of the strain. ran 3.9g of bud got back just under 0.7g thats about 17% yield, ehh not to bad but not that great either. Only used about 6 fl. oz of 99% ISO thats the least amount of ISO i have ever used on a run.

    Used low heat to evap, then let the plates sit out and cool off for a lil then put them back on the griddle to warm up and scrape.

    Got this straight shatter

    [ame=]Qwiso Shatter Video - YouTube[/ame]









    Sorry for being a pic whore but looks sexy!
  5. good job dude
  6. [ame=]Double dab Video - YouTube[/ame]
  7. [ame=]Pump sprayer method wax - YouTube[/ame]
  8. #8 PurePowerPlant1, Jan 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2013
  9. God Bud





    Ak47 x Blue Berry

  10. Heres the wax i made from the God Bud got about 16% yield not that happy with the yield but the wax came out dope



  11. GOD BUD!!?? havent seen that since my 2009 outdoor grow!! :p looks nice man, doesnt even matter that its leafy as it made a niiiice oil dude!!!! fuckin jelly on that :p just wait till i hae lbs of trim :p heheheh

  12. Thanks man heres the shit i just made!

    so i filled my extractor tube up with God bud probably between 5-6g

    Started evaping



    Then i waxed that ass




    i got back 1.025g but i dont know what the yield % was since i did weight out the buds before i washed them, i just packed the extractor tube up all the way.
  13. 4.7g of Ak47xBlueBerry chopped up with scissors




    Scraping up, not a bad color


    Put it back on low heat




    After i whipped it, and it waxed up



    Put it on the scale got back about 0.8g (The slick pad weighs 9.7g)



    Thats about 17% Yield

    In the dish it goes with an earlier batch of the same strain i made yesterday



    In some different lighting


    Various waxes from the past 2 days



    Later boyz!
  14. God Bud Wax

    [ame=]God Bud Wax - Qwiso - YouTube[/ame]
  15. Here is the New ISOMetrics Theme Song:p super high and a half hour to spare :p hahaha enjoy a laugh :)


    This Ones for you boys!


    "Welcome to the ISOMetrics page
    we make oil almost everyday
    you know we're here all up in the game
    hoping for some gloried fame.

    Cloud and Caulk are here, wiff and static too,
    C & C are the masters, don't be confused
    we're all just apprentices, easily amused
    just follow these methods, it's what we use!

    Then take dab, oh, take a dab.
    take a dab, oh, take a dab."

    [ame=]ISOMetrics Theme Song - YouTube[/ame]
  16. Yo this is mad funny but its pretty good too! excellent work!
  17. thanks man, i'll play it live tn :p bahahaha
  18. Ak47 x Blue Berry Qwiso Wax Review

    [ame=]Qwiso Review - AK 47 x Blue Berry Wax - YouTube[/ame]
  19. EPIC EPISODE!!! Love That Dank Ass OIL
  20. Thanks man!

    God Bud Flower
    [ame=]God Bud Flower Review - YouTube[/ame]

    God Bud Qwiso Wax
    [ame=]God Bud Wax - Qwiso - YouTube[/ame]

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