ppl talking shit behind me back.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by michael68, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. well 2day at school this kid i used to hang out with has been telling girls im a faggott and random shit. he knows i can kick his ass cos ive done wrestling before and hes littler then me.

    how do i confront him in a non violent way?
  2. "Why were you telling girls im a faggot?"

    why even bring up the fact that you can kick his ass if you dont plan to?
  3. why dont you just ignore him AND the people that value his opinions...get rid of multiple losers in one sort of thing....
  4. i wos just seyin cos hes a little bitch nd he knows it.

    i will confront him with my lads if i have to?
  5. how old are you two?
  6. Ask him why he's telling girls that you're a faggot. Then ask him if he has a problem with gay people. Enlighten him.
  7. Chilling tale, Buddy!
  8. If someone is talking shit behind your back to people, he's asking to get his ass kicked. You can't reason with people like that so telling them to shut up or F*** off won't do anything. I'm not going to tell you what you should do, because you know there's only one way to really shut his mouth. I'll let you figure out how :cool:
  9. i diddnt even read the OP but i handled all of it like this 2 years ago:beat dude then got suspended came back everybody was afraid of me unless they had a reason not to be (ie freinds,my girl) nobody says shit now cuz i get to fightin fast no askin questions just settle it
  10. Lol I'm sure 'confronting him with your lads' won't be too necessary if you can kick his ass... maybe talk to him and tell him you're not gonna have him making up stories anymore, etc. if you wanna go the hard ass way or just ignore it/tell him to "chill out" unexpectedly or something and make people think he's a goon.

    However if you get physical some part of me says I'd do some massive horrible embarrassing act like accidentally dumping lunch on him, etc. and if he has a physical problem with you beat his ass then tell him off for talking bad about you too and how it was an accident. Instead of just kicking his ass outright.
  11. Stay in school
  12. This kid is obviously under 18 bahahaha.
  13. lmao the way you spell and that you have a thread asking people when they first shaved tells me your just hitting puberty:wave:
  14. confronting him about it only makes you seem insecure. If you know what he's saying isn't the truth, what's there to worry about? losing some "friends" who believe whatever bullshit about you is tossed their way?

  15. You think confronting someone who is talking shit about you is insecure?

  16. Here's what I'd do.

    Grow the fuck up and get over it. Be a man not a little boy w/ a hurt ego.
  17. #17 ~NOTORiiOUS~, Oct 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2010

    In this particular case, I would consider the OP insecure for letting such petty and allegedly false claims about his sexual orientation consume his thoughts to the point of wanting to directly oppose his accuser. Be like water.

    Edit: 300th post ! :yay:

  18. LOL LOL :smoke:


    Som'body ban this young gun pube growing mutha' fucka! :hello:

  19. I thought you said you could kick his ass? What's with "your lads" then? You think your a gangster or something? Grow up little boy!
  20. I remember 8th grade.

    You do know yah gotta be 18 to post here?

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