Hey GC, i'm building a new rig and am currently buying a Power Supply. Quick question, is their compatibility issues with certain brands? Or can I just look for a decent watt supply and try it? Thanks for the help.
Brands won't cause compatitbility issues. Just check the requirements of ur video card and get plenty of wattage
What if I havn't quite ordered the card yet, waiting till I get a job for that, using my dino card with whatever atm.
There are calculators you can use online, you just have to know all the specs of your pc. Google psu watt calculator.
I recommend doing this, and buying the next one up or so, just so if you want to SLI video cards or even want to reuse it on a different build you probably could.. Just a thought... Always better to have a little wiggle room for the system.....
^ This, I bought an 850w psu even though i only need about 550-600w because in the future I'm going to get another gpu to use with mine.
[quote name='"Basquedude"']Brands to look for are Seasonic,FSP, Corsair or Thermaltake[/quote] Corsair user here. My GS700 has survived many power surges and sags, and has a 3 color LED. Neat.
Antec is good too, some are probably rebadged seasonics. Seasonic makes for a lot of other brands, corsair included.
There is something more important than Watts, you want to get a single 12v rail with at least 40 amps. Check your requirements of your video cards.