I'm almost 6 weeks into flowering and I just woke up to tend the garden and BOOM my power goes out and it's a nice sunny day. Should I do nothing or take my plants outside until the power comes back? They're hydroponic plants in pots so I can move them. I have taken a hydro basil and put it in soil to become an outdoor plant with great success
i would recommend using a shitty light just for now coz otherwise it might stress em out but thats just me man
If you are sure that your power will not return within a few hours, I might consider taking them outside. If you can get enough light on them, like from a window, that would probably be OK for a few hours.
well not outside but in front of a big window would be ok i think movin indoor plants outdoor even for a few hours wud stress em alot yano? do what u think it best man theyre ur babies
Your plants would be just fine in the sun for a few hours. However for security reasons I have to agree that a window would be better.
My windows are like all in obvious location for my neighbors to see and they have this UV blocker film to reduce the heat burning through them ( here in the south the sun is STRONG). but anyways my power came back on in about 50 minutes. Lights are back and i hope they didnt experience to muchs stress.