Hi. I’ve found a dust like substance on my plant and I’m assuming it’s powdery mildew but wanted some opinions. Close up it looks like tiny white hairs. It doesn’t appear to be on the buds and is primarily on the fan leaves. It also doesn’t appear to be a serious infection either, I’d say it’s ok about 10-12 leaves. The second picture is by far the worst affected, most look like the first picture with just a few spots. The rest of the plant is healthy looking and it smells great! My plant also isn’t far off harvest so I don’t want to do anything too drastic. Any suggestions? If it is powdery mildew I’ve heard the suggestion of spraying water/milk solution onto the affected areas, will this be sufficient? It’s also my only plant at the mo so I don’t need to worry about separating it and I don’t particularly wish to throw it away either. Thanks for your help.
Green Cure is what most of us outside growers use. Baking soda at 1 tablespoon per gallon of water will also do the job but the sodium isn't as good for the plants long term. Cure = potassium bicarbonate. Baking soda = Sodium bicarbonate. Most hydroponic shop will have cure. BNW