powdery mildew sixth weekof flowering

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by jeffd, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. sixth week into flowering got hit by powdery mildew BAD real bad what should i do ???????? harvest early
  2. How long is the flowering time supposed to be? I feel like you'll lose a lot of potency if you harvest this early, but if you have to cut you have to cut.

    No chance of improving the environment (drop humidity) or hitting it with some neem? Sometimes there's just nothing you can do, but you can try.
  3. got about 2-1/2weeks left before there ready .what happens if the trim leafs start getting it on them?? does that mean the bud is waste??
  4. Is the mildew on the buds yet? They might be toast, hard to tell without seeing the plant, but careful smoking it.

    I feel like you might be too late to deal with this, depending on how bad it is cut them now or improve conditions (lower RH, increase circulation). A solution of baking soda (~4 tsp/gallon) might help.

    Again though, sounds like you're out of luck man, making some butter is the only thing I would do with infected buds.
  5. This is what I used when I had Powdery mildew on my last grow...

    GreenCure Fungicide

    Its organic and I was told its able to be used up to a few days before your flush.

    It got rid of my PM with a few treatments!

    Attached Files:

  6. I use 3 products to control pm as I grow a strain that is very prone to getting it. I agree that Green Cure is a good product. You can use it in veg all the way through flower. If you start to harvest and you notice pm in the small fan leaves inside the bud I have heard (not done myself) you can mix a solution of Green Cure and water and dunk the bud in it then flush with water. This is a last resort, again I have only heard that there are no ill effects. Quantum will also help from the roots, this stuff is expensive but well worth it. And last, which is what you need to do right now is a sulphur burn. I do it every 3 weeks. Some say it will affect the taste, however I have found that you can do this up until the last week and all is fine. If you have two weeks before harvest, do a 3 to 4 hr burn, depending on how big your room is, then use green cure in a few days. Not at the same time. This should solve your problem. One more thing Green Cure alone will not solve this problem. The spores are everywhere in your room, in your lights, fans, EVERYWHERE!!!! If you don't do a sulphur burn, this shit will always come back.
  7. i had to cut out half of my plants before because it will spread..did it rain or get moist on the plants?
  8. You can't cut it out it's airborne. You have to kill the spores. There are several products that will contain pm, but once it gets into your room the spores get into everything and therefore will eventually come back. Low humidity is good, below 40%, I can't keep it that low. As for where it came from, it's everywhere. If you happen to check out your neighbors garden, mid season on, and you go directly into your grow area, you probably just gave yourself a case of power mildew. Some strains are not affected by pm, I have never had a problem with my blueberry, but my chemdawg will get it every time if I don't prevent it.
  9. Good info Old Hippie! This might be a stupid question! But how do you recommend doing the 3-4 hour silphur burn? My growing conditions are a bit different now and I dont expect to have pm again but ya never no! Thanks for the info! :metal:
  10. #10 magestik63, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    i just bought this book online Marijuana Garden Saver, by Ed Rosenthal and it says you can use milk to kill the mildew.
    like 1 part milk 9 parts water
  11. First off Water Boy if you are in the Denver area there is a good chance you will see this again. The forums have had a lot of discussions regarding this problem lately, especially in the Denver area. I usually do a 2 1/2 hr burn. The reason I recommended a longer burn in this case is he is out of time. A longer burn will do a better job of mitigating the pm inside the bud itself. Keep in mind, all grows are different, some grows require longer and more frequent burns, bottom line whatever it takes to get rid of this shit.
  12. I have heard milk works well, however all you have really accomplished is mitigating the spores from the plant itself. That is assuming you have sprayed every square inch of the plant. Problem is, it's still in your room and it will return. Constant foliar spraying is effective, however many products leave a residue that causes the smoke to be harsh. Not sure about milk. I have heard about Silica Blast works by making the fan leaves so tough the spores cannot penetrate the leaves. Sounds a lot easier than a sulphur burn, may try it in the future.
  13. tried that before didnt work so great
  14. :hello:
    tried the silca also didnt slow anything down.sulfer is about the only thing that has worked so far. i lolipoped the plants last night,probubly lost about a lb of bud. but have 4x that left .im going to try a 2-3 hr burn tonight. thanks.im pretty new to this and really appreciate all the help.not xactly the kinda stuff you want to ask the gardning dept at homedepo about.thanks again
  15. After a couple of days cut off one of the lower popcorn size buds and cut out all little fan leaves, if the pm is in the bud you will find it first there. If you see it, burn it again or: throw it away, or try and cut out the uninfected parts and hope for the best. Hint: if you smoke any the spores are there. I have smoked it and I'm still here. LOL
  16. what do i look for inside the bud?will it have a white powder inside? the leaves on the buds have a white tint to them but they are real sticky think its resin or something?looked at it with 100x magnifier and it lookd like little round balls
  17. The little white mushroom looking things are trichomes. PM is a fuzzy looking stuff, a lot whiter and it usually only in spots. It will be mostly on the small fan leaves, especially at the base of the bud. You can't miss it.
  18. #18 jeffd, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    well everything is back in order.add'd 4 box fans and lots of trimming im in the seventh week now in this grow and all the tri's are still clear? it's all kush's xcept for a couple p91's huge cola's some 9 inches or better. when should they start gettin cloudy>> and i got the clones from a dispensry how can tell if they are the strain thet they claimed they were? is there a link some where that has pictures to compare ???ran into a small prob. in the other room when i discoverd the micro nutes i was using was for hardwater, couldnt get the ph down or the ppm up. had to do a flush and renute its; in the 5th week flower. built two drying areas ,how much air movement is ideal? i have a 400 cfm inline drawing air thu the box [4'Lx2'wx4'tall] is that to much??
  19. Don't spray anything these people are lying. Sulphur burner and that's it all the rest affects the final product. There are a lot of misleaders on these sites. Lame
  20. and you're the pro with your 1 post LOL

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