Powder mildew

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by slashnroses, May 5, 2013.

  1. Hey all about 6 weeks into flowering diesel ,and have a mild case of powder mildew happening , I've been trying to contain it but recently watched a vid from Cervantes about washing ur harvested branches off in rubbing alcohol and water , he says it doesn't affect the bud at all and by the looks of it does a great job of removing the powder , has anyone tried this ??
  2. If u have a few weeks left start spraying with this thing called pm wash. Then let it be for a few days and spray with ph 7.0 think, water. The more alkaline the better. Old trick someone taught me wash using milk but that is a little funky smelling. Report back and let us know what's up.
  3. Yeah I heard of the milk thing but what a smell that would leave ? What about baking soda mixture ??
  4. The smell is like old milk, man I can't stand it. As for baking soda I must say I haven't tried it. Ph'ed water is fine just run with that with a lil baking soda n let us know how it works.
  5. I had the same issue my first grow ,
    U could cut away the moldy parts and put a dehumidifier in ur grow area to make sure the mold doesnt come back.
    If at worst case u can always harvest and wash like u saw in the video .
    Mine was pretty bad and i couldnt tell what was mold and not because of so much resin.
    plus i had some other girls in there i didnt want to get mold on so i just went ahead and harvested her early , i wouldnt suggest to smoke washed buds , i mean u could but the taste is horrible , either use it in a vaporizer or make oil/cannabutter out of it.
    of course the option is all urs.
  6. Hi, I just found a great product at Wall Mart. It garden safe fungicide 3. Its safe for all fruits and veggies and after one treatment in week 4 of flower it is awesome!!! And less than six bucks!! Its active ingredient is been oil. Highly recomend trying it.


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