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Potency test?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GYAZ, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Other than smoking is there a way to test how strong your weed is without a lab? like a THC content or somthing?:confused:
  2. You could smell it and touch it and even break it up.
  3. How it looks or smells is usually a good indicator. If it has a lot of trichs or a nice green color, and has a strong weed smell, it's dank man. :smoke:
  4. Look, taste, smell, feel, sound it makes when burning. Use ya senses

  5. Sound?
  6. Thats fair enough but ive seen weed that looks good but smokes shit and other weed that looks shit but smokes well. Im not saying I cant tell the difference between good and bad weed but id like a way to tell which weed is better from two different strains that look around the same quality, like a litmus test for weed or somthing like that.
  7. You can often here the trichomes (sp) burning off when you ignite it.
  8. i can just picture some weed king just like rubbing weed against his ears. "and if you rub the buds together very close to your ear, the minor pressure changes you feel are the trichromes hitting eachother on the microscopic level and you know that shits potent, man"

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