By Thomas Doyle, Globe-News Medical Writer Source: Amarillo Globe-News Amarillo Police Academy policy changes met with mixed reviews in the Amarillo community this morning. Several residents took issue with an APD policy to allow people to join the police academy if they have smoked marijuana more than a year ago. "I don't think you can enforce the law if you're not willing to uphold the law," said Kris Dean. "I just really don't think you should smoke pot and try to get into the police academy," said LeeAnn Graham. "If he smoked one a year ago, he'll smoke one now," said Jack Hicks. Hicks added that those who smoke pot as an adult are saying they are not too concerned about the law, which is a big problem with a future law-enforcement officer. "That's not showing a lot of respect for the law," he said. Others expressed similar ideas. "If they did it once (as an adult), they'll be doing it again," said Virgil Sumpter. Scott Mitchell said he had no problem with the policy as long as a person had left marijuana use in their past. Still other residents were in support of the policy. "I don't see any problem with that," said Kristen Pearce. "I don't think (marijuana is) any worse than cigarettes or alcohol." Residents were supportive of a policy that allowed people who may have experimented with drugs under the age of 19 to still be police officers. "Kids do a lot of things they shouldn't do. Can't hold that against them the rest of their lives," said Jimmie King. "I think teen-agers are going to try it," Graham said. "It shouldn't be held against them." "A lot of kids get involved in things they don't want to get involved in," Hicks said. "I don't think it has anything to do with what they are like now," Mitchell said. `I just really don't think you should smoke pot and try to get into the police academy.' Complete Title: Pot-Smoking Policy at Police Academy Causes Controversy Source: Amarillo Globe-News (TX) Author: Thomas Doyle, Globe-News Medical Writer Published: March 7, 2001 Copyright: 2001 Amarillo Globe-News Address: P.O. Box 2091, Amarillo, TX 79166 Fax: (806) 373-0810 Contact: Website: