pot sizes

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by dinop21, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. I PLANTED MY BABYS IN A 8qt size pot. would i have to transplant it to something bigger. i really dont want anything taller than 4-5 ft.
  2. yes, you have to transplant. not right now.

    if you dont want your plants getting tall then read up on LST'ing, and topping.

    this is what will keep your plants as short as you want them.
  3. what size pots would u advise
  4. it depends how big your plants are going to get. they are fine in small plastic beer cups or something for a while but then transplant them into at least 1 gal containers.
    but it all depends on how big you want your plants to be
  5. General rule of thumb is 1 gal/1 foot plant. I would just buy 5 gallon pots though b/c a healthy root system is key to great buds.
  6. It's really not how big you want the plants but what size pot is right at different stages.

    For instance I grow Northern Lights which is a smaller growing plant-13", and I grow some plants from seed which are unpredictable in size.

    I go from cuttings or seed to 1 gallon and when they start to get slightly rootbound
    I repot into 2 gallon.

    I can grow a good Northern Lights in 2 gallons.

    I just potted up a 2 gallon female from seed to a 3 gallon because it was drying out too fast so pot sizes depend on what the plant needs.

    Remember, plants in containers do slightly better a little pot bound rather than
    being in too much soil-they stay wet too long. You don't want that.

    General advise- when you pot up to a larger size container, the new container
    is best if it's 1" bigger on all sides, and only slightly deeper.
  7. I use 2gallon for flowering. Sometimes 3gal if i'm growing my blueberry strain.
  8. u guys have been helpfull, but im using bag seeds so i dont kno what strain it is but i am aiming for a plant around 3-4ft tall maybe even 5, def not taller than 5 so im assuming that i would eventually want to transfer them to either 3 or 4 gallon pots....is that rite?....or how would i be able to tell if it needs a bigger pot
  9. 4 gallon pots are hard to find in the trade.

    3 or 5 gallon would be fine, depending on how well the roots grow.
  10. Personnally I use 5 gallon pots right from seed and never have to transplant. I just have to use more water, but thats free.

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