Pot shortage?

Discussion in 'General' started by thunderfunk, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. This may be a dumb question but it was a deep thought after my last bowl.

    I know with the legalization in Washington and Colorado, pot will be easier to get. But because of this, could so much be purchased in the next few months in those states that there may not be enough to go around?

    I would imagine there have people who have not been smoking that are going to be willing to try it now that it will be legal along with the people who will be traveling to those states now to legally buy and smoke.

    Have growers thought about this and increased the amount of their crop to keep up with the upcoming supply and need? And if not, will the prices of weed in some places increase due to this? (obviously short term, not rocket science that they will go down long term from this)

    Or am I thinking too much of this?
  2. idk bro you may be over thinking things its all good everybody tokin' enjoying the herb :smoke:

    just bumpin for other opinions
  3. You over thinkin it bud is everywhere theres plenty to go around cuuuuh
  4. people wanna make money. Theres a high demand for weed there will be a high supply

    yeah, high :smoking:
  5. The only shortage that might happen is it is getting colder so there will be less outdoor buds. All legalization will do is make it a little easier to get larger quantity, depending on location. There wont be that more of a demand, because its already in high demand. :smoke:
  6. HA there will always be plenty.... i mean a lot comes out of colorodo
  7. alot of outdoor harvests are just now hitting the market in my area (not CO or WA)

    actually, there's so much pot around it's crazy, 100lb harvests a plenty in my area..

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