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pot muffins?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by SimplyLemon, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. Can you add a relatively small amount of marijuana to a muffin mix and create pot muffins? [less than 7 g's]

    I've searched the web and the only recipe I've found was using canabutter or pot milk. The other one called for around a half ounce for just 6 muffins. I want to just be able to throw in maybe 3 gs at most to a mix and enjoy a muffin high.
    Is this possible?
    *Note that i've made firecrackers/better than and ramen noodles with weed, never before muffins.
  2. I think that if u use cannabutter, or cook the weed in something that is fatty or greasy at all (to absorb thc), then you can cook pretty much anything with weed and it will work. I remember a long time ago, I made an omelette with a lot of greasy melty cheese, and I threw in less than a gram of some finely chopped weed, and it made me realy high haha
    so yea Im guessing it would work...
  3. I know this is a bit old, but I just want to let you know I just made them, I used 5.5grams of vaped bud. And I slow cooked the butter for 24 hours, then strained it and refridgerated it.

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