Pot more "dangerous" than ever?

Discussion in 'General' started by StankDankMT, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. Not sure if this has been posted or not but here it is... Ok weed is "more dangerous" than ever cause it has more "THC" ok now lets ask this how is it more dangerous cause the THC level is higher now rather than smoking more weed 25 years ago and getting the same amount of THC, its just saying the weed is more potent and you have to smoke less to get the same effect, right, but see it says its more dangerous when in reality its less dangerous cause your smoking less right? Not according to them cause THC is the dangerous part of smoking weed? It also goes on to say how theres been more marijuana abuse, and increase in ER cases but heres the catch, the ER cases have been from people not knowing what the fuck they are doing and smoking wayyyyyyyyyy to much weed and thinking they are going to die (hahaha). See the funny thing is WHERES THE DEATHS FROM MARIJUANA? I DONT SEE THEM LISTED ANYWHERE! Then the chick has the balls to say marijuana has more carcinogens in it than cigs, but you smoke less weed than you smoke cigs, correct? Now wheres this "solid backed up evidence" at? I dont know. The only study out there is by the british, dont you think there will be others? Over 99 percent of of past year marijuana users did not end up in the ER due to marijuana. 99% of past marijuana users were not in rehab.
    Heres some charts:
    Percent of Past Year Marijuana Users:
    Year\tArrested \tIn Rehab \t"Mention" it in the ER \tDeath Blamed on Use
    1990 \t1.7 \t-- \t0.08 \t0.0000053
    1991 \t1.6 \t-- \t0.09 \t0
    1992 \t2.1 \t0.57 \t0.15 \t0.0000123
    1993 \t2.2 \t0.64 \t0.16 \t0.0000057
    1994 \t2.7 \t0.80 \t0.23 \t0.0000112
    1995 \t3.3 \t0.96 \t0.25 \t0
    1996 \t3.5 \t1.05 \t0.29 \t0.0000163
    1997 \t3.6 \t1.02 \t0.33 \t0.0000051
    1998 \t3.6 \t1.18 \t0.41 \t0.0000321
    1999 \t3.7 \t1.22 \t0.46 \t0.0000262
    2000 \t4.0 \t1.33 \t0.52 \t0.0000161
    2001\t3.4 \t1.21 \t0.52 \t0.0000143
    2002 \t2.7 \t1.10 \t0.46 \t0.0000039
    2003 \t3.0 \t1.17 \t0.63 \t0.0000079
    2004 \t3.0 \t1.19 \t0.85 \t0.0000236
    2005 \t3.1 \t1.15 \t0.95 \t--

    National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
    FBI Uniform Crime Reports (Crime in the US)
    Treatment Episode Data Sets (TEDS)
    Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC Wonder)

    Population and Overall Marijuana Use Data
    Year \tTotal Population\tPop 12+ \tPast Year Users 12+\t% of Pop 12+
    1990 \t248,709,873 \t201,188,000 \t18,931,000 \t9.4
    1991 \t252,177,000 \t202,859,000 \t18,067,000 \t8.9
    1992 \t255,077,536 \t205,713,000 \t16,322,000 \t7.9
    1993 \t257,783,004 \t207,199,000 \t17,510,000 \t8.5
    1994 \t260,340,990 \t209,411,000 \t17,813,000 \t8.5
    1995 \t262,755,270 \t211,532,000 \t17,755,000 \t8.4
    1996 \t265,283,783 \t214,047,000 \t18,398,000 \t8.6
    1997 \t267,636,061 \t216,206,000 \t19,446,000 \t9.0
    1998 \t270,463,688 \t218,445,000 \t18,710,000 \t8.6
    1999 \t272,690,813 \t221,123,000 \t19,102,000 \t8.6
    2000 \t281,421,906 \t223,280,000 \t18,589,000 \t8.3
    2001 \t285,317,559 \t225,636,000 \t21,086,000 \t9.3
    2002 \t288,368,698 \t235,143,000 \t25,755,000 \t11.0
    2003 \t290,809,777 \t237,682,000 \t25,231,000 \t10.6
    2004 \t293,656,842 \t240,515,000 \t25,451,000 \t10.6
    2005 \t296,410,404 \t243,220,000 \t25,375,000 \t10.4

    United States Census Bureau
    National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)

    Possible Consequence of Marijuana Use: ER Visit or Drug Rehab
    \tOverall ER Visits \tMarijuana Mentions \tDrug Treatment Admissions
    Year \tNumber \t% of Total Pop. \tDrug Mentions \tNumber \t% of Drug Mentions \t% of Past Year Users \tTotal \tMarijuana \t% of Past Year Users
    1990 \t82,323,000 \t33.1 \t635,460 \t15,706 \t2.5 \t0.08 \t-- \t-- \t--
    1991 \t84,189,000 \t33.4 \t674,861 \t16,251 \t2.4 \t0.09 \t-- \t-- \t--
    1992 \t85,944,000 \t33.7 \t751,731 \t23,997 \t3.2 \t0.15 \t1,560,311 \t92,414 \t0.57
    1993 \t87,651,000 \t34.0 \t796,762 \t28,873 \t3.6 \t0.16 \t1,618,597 \t111,259 \t0.64
    1994 \t89,697,000 \t34.5 \t900,317 \t40,183 \t4.5 \t0.23 \t1,671,039 \t142,707 \t0.80
    1995 \t88,548,056 \t33.7 \t899,977 \t45,259 \t5.0 \t0.25 \t1,680,697 \t171,344 \t0.96
    1996 \t91,189,270 \t34.4 \t906,078 \t53,770 \t5.9 \t0.29 \t1,643,731 \t192,918 \t1.05
    1997 \t89,719,807 \t33.5 \t941,627 \t64,720 \t6.9 \t0.33 \t1,607,957 \t197,840 \t1.02
    1998 \t89,682,719 \t33.2 \t981,286 \t76,842 \t7.8 \t0.41 \t1,712,268 \t220,173 \t1.18
    1999 \t91,099,635 \t33.4 \t1,013,688\t87,068 \t8.6\t0.46 \t1,725,885 \t232,105 \t1.22
    2000 \t96,163,379 \t34.2 \t1,098,915 \t96,426 \t8.8 \t0.52 \t1,770,028 \t249,687 \t1.33
    2001 \t100,517,664 \t35.2 \t1,165,148 \t110,512 \t9.5 \t0.52 \t1,821,054 \t272,165 \t1.21
    2002 \t102,809,601 \t35.7 \t1,209,938 \t119,472 \t9.9 \t0.46 \t1,936,711\t294,196 \t1.10
    2003 \t104,672,704 \t36.0 \t1,255,846 \t159,326 \t12.7 \t0.63 \t1,897,164 \t294,834 \t1.17
    2004 \t105,978,433 \t36.1 \t1,253,956 \t215,665 \t17.2 \t0.85 \t1,885,930 \t300,792 \t1.19
    2005 \t108,373,604 \t36.6 \t1,449,154 \t242,200 \t16.7 \t0.95 \t1,849,548 \t292,250 \t1.15

    -- data is not available

    National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
    Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)
    Treatment Episode Data Sets (TEDS)


    * The DAWN data collection system was modified beginning in 2003 to count all drug "related" visits regardless of whether or not the use of the drug was the cause of the visit. Thus the apparent "huge increase" in marijuana mentions is due to changes in how the visits are recorded -- not because of todays's modern "super-weed."

    * About 85 percent of such mentions involve those 18 or older.

    * Over 90 percent of all drug treatment admissions involve those 18 or older.

    Possible Consequence of Marijuana Use: Dying
    \tOverall Deaths \tMarijuana Related \tCompare To Deaths From:
    Year \tNumber \t% of Total Pop. \tNumber \t% of All Deaths \t% of Past Year Users \tPesticide Exposure \tPowered Household Appliances
    1990 \t2,148,463 \t0.86 \t1 \t0.0000465 \t0.0000053 \t4 \t1
    1991 \t2,169,518 \t0.86 \t0 \t0 \t0 \t8 \t7
    1992 \t2,175,613 \t0.85 \t2 \t0.0000919 \t0.0000123 \t13 \t2
    1993 \t2,268,553 \t0.88 \t1 \t0.0000441 \t0.0000057 \t7 \t3
    1994 \t2,278,994 \t0.88 \t2 \t0.0000878 \t0.0000112 \t4 \t4
    1995 \t2,312,132 \t0.88 \t0 \t0 \t0 \t5 \t5
    1996 \t2,314,690 \t0.87 \t3 \t0.0001296 \t0.0000163 \t7 \t0
    1997 \t2,314,245 \t0.86 \t1 \t0.0000432 \t0.0000051 \t2 \t0
    1998 \t2,337,256 \t0.86 \t6 \t0.0002567 \t0.0000321 \t6 \t0
    1999 \t2,391,399 \t0.88 \t5 \t0.0002091 \t0.0000262 \t12 \t6
    2000 \t2,403,351 \t0.85 \t3 \t0.0001248 \t0.0000161 \t8 \t14
    2001 \t2,416,425 \t0.85 \t3 \t0.0001241 \t0.0000143 \t7 \t13
    2002 \t2,443,387 \t0.85 \t1 \t0.0000408 \t0.0000039 \t7 \t17
    2003 \t2,448,288 \t0.84 \t2 \t0.0000816 \t0.0000079 \t3 \t11
    2004 \t2,397,615 \t0.82 \t6 \t0.0002502 \t0.0000236 \t3 \t14
    Grand Totals\t34,821,406 \t-- \t35 \t0.0001005 \t-- \t96 \t97

    Centers for Disease Control (CDC Wonder)

    Yes, marijuana has been blamed as the "underlying cause of death" for some people, but it certainly isn't very likely. Indeed, it is so unlikely that is difficult to find other causes of death to compare it to. Meanwhile, beware of bug spray and electric knives!

    Possible Consequence of Marijuana Use: Being Arrested
    \tDrug Law Arrests \tMarijuana Arrests
    Year \tTotal Arrests \tNumber \t% of Total \tNumber \t% for Possession \t% of Total \t% of Drug Law \t% of Past Year Users
    1990 \t14,195,100 \t1,089,500 \t7.7 \t326,900 \t80.0 \t2.3 \t30.0 \t1.7
    1991 \t14,211,900 \t1,010,000 \t7.1 \t282,800 \t78.6 \t2.0 \t28.0 \t1.6
    1992 \t14,075,100 \t1,066,400 \t7.6 \t341,200 \t78.1 \t2.4 \t32.0 \t2.1
    1993 \t14,036,300 \t1,126,300 \t8.0 \t382,900 \t82.4 \t2.7 \t34.0 \t2.2
    1994 \t14,648,700 \t1,351,400 \t9.2 \t486,500 \t83.3 \t3.3 \t36.0 \t2.7
    1995 \t15,119,800 \t1,476,100 \t9.8 \t590,400 \t85.0 \t3.9 \t40.0 \t3.3
    1996 \t15,168,100 \t1,506,200 \t9.9 \t647,700 \t86.0 \t4.3 \t43.0 \t3.5
    1997 \t15,284,300 \t1,583,600 \t10.4 \t695,200 \t86.3 \t4.5 \t43.9 \t3.6
    1998 \t14,528,300 \t1,559,100 \t10.7 \t682,900 \t88.6 \t4.7 \t43.8 \t3.6
    1999 \t14,031,070 \t1,557,100 \t11.1 \t704,800 \t87.0 \t5.0 \t45.3 \t3.7
    2000 \t13,980,297 \t1,579,566 \t11.3 \t734,498 \t88.0 \t5.3 \t46.5 \t4.0
    2001 \t13,699,254 \t1,586,902 \t11.6 \t723,626 \t88.6 \t5.3 \t45.6 \t3.4
    2002 \t13,741,438 \t1,538,813 \t11.2 \t697,082 \t88.1 \t5.1 \t45.3 \t2.7
    2003 \t13,639,479 \t1,678,192 \t12.3 \t755,186 \t87.8 \t5.5 \t45.0 \t3.0
    2004 \t14,004,327 \t1,745,712 \t12.5 \t771,605 \t88.7 \t5.5 \t44.2 \t3.0
    2005 \t14,094,186 \t1,846,351 \t13.1 \t786,545 \t88.5 \t5.6 \t42.6 \t3.1

    FBI Uniform Crime Reports (Crime in the US)

    Conclusion: the most dangerous thing about using marijuana
    is that you may get caught with it!

    Credit goes to http://www.briancbennett.com/charts/nutshell-marijuana.htm on the charts. And CNN on the bullshit information on marijuana trying to strike fear in people and succeeding.

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