Ight i havent seen too many people in my area with a pot leaf slapped on them so i was wondering if anyone else here has any. Heres the one i designed and had slapped on my right arm.
Nice tattoo, but it's one of those things that (I feel anyway) is something you're more likely to regret when you get older. I mean, I know plenty of older people who still smoke but plenty of people also quit, and how would you explain something like that to your kids when you're trying to tell them to not smoke til they get a little older...
Totally got respect for the tat, and I've been tihnking of getting a little weed tattoo myself, but I would never get one in such an in-your-face place. If I ever do get one it'd def be somewhere easy to hide and it'd be tiny as hell, but I do wanna get one one day out of respect and love for the herb!
Nice ink! Saw a dude with a potleaf (more cartoonish...) with a crown over it, and the Jamaican flag behind it. I loved it! my next tat is gonna be a potleaf on my ankle. cant wait.