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Pot kills.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by ehngage, Mar 14, 2012.

  1. so does alcohol.. everything in this world at 1 point leads you to death... his facts are irrelevant
  2. Mitch McConnell kills...
  3. Dudes a turtle...


    what do turtles know anyway.....
  4. Exactly.
  5. [quote name='"SwichOne"']Dudes a turtle...

    what do turtles know anyway.....[/quote]

    Funny shit right there! Haha
  6. Once a pot fell on some dudes head, and he died. So yeah i guess so. But this buddah in my sherly wouldn't hurt a fly ;)
  7. aaaaaa stop exisiting you useles cocksucker na na na marijuana leads to death i can show you ways that lead to death way beter and faster
  8. But you don't need to follow the scientific processes to ban shit in the first place?
  9. Not sure where he gets his ideas that abuse rates in youth will go up. If its legal, it will be regulated, therefore it will be just as hard to get as alcohol. And i'm pretty sure legalizing/decriminalizing would lower abuse rates anyway.
  10. that argument constantly baffles me, its like the US government believes theyre superior to humans. On the planet I live on animals survive on other animals and plants, the ones which we have (or have not) evolved to like. Why would anyone prefer a pill than the natural plant? and think its safer??? what world are you living in?
  11. The pill has proven to be dangerous. The plant has not. McConnell has it backwards.

    Oh yeah, also he's a cunt.
  12. It is not so much that people like him are the problem, it is people who believe this yellow journalism without doing their own research.

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