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Pot Head friends and Real friends

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Peppie, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Okay, so I was smoking with this guy I've only ever hung out with high and we started talking about how we have only hung out high. Then I made a realization: he was a pot head friend.

    So I'm wondering, do you have pot head friends and real friends, or are they both your same group?

    What I mean is, are there those people you only hang out with when you smoke and then your other friends that you go to the gym and do other stuff?
  2. I have both kinds of friends. The major difference is that my pot head friends tend to be more friendly and outgoing.
  3. Exactly dude. Some of my regular friends are weird and rude sometimes. When I'm with my pot head friends, we just have these great conversations and excellent Taco Bell runs together.
  4. honestly... i like my pothead friends better....
  5. the pothead friends tend to be less pretentious in general, but i try to steer clear of people like that anyway; my normal friends are pretty cool too. i mean, part of me sees them as "pot friends" and "non-pot friends", but then again i mean that's the only real difference between them, so really it's almost just like any other thing that one group does and the other doesn't. but yeah, sometimes it's almost like leading a double life. on the other hand, i have a couple friends that fit into both categories, so it's all good.
  6. i have both-- but both my stoner friends and my non-stoner friends are as good of friends to me as eachother.

    it does seem to be a recurring problem for stoners that their friends are shallow and only are friends of theirs because they share the interest of smoking. I dunno, me and my friends have found other common grounds (music... drinking... just chilling).

    we enjoy eachother's company high or not.:smoking:
  7. Yeah I have both groups, I often neglect my stoner friends to hang out with my "real" friends who have been pissing me off more and more lately. I think it's time for a switch.
  8. If you smoke all day eventually your pot friends will become your real friends. That's what happened to me early in high school. Ended up not being a horrible thing and all of my pot friends and I ended up going to college and succeeding somewhat.
  9. When I was in HS I smoked with anyone pretty much, I didnt care if you were popular, a geek, smart, considered a "freak", gothic, whatever, if we both liked herb you were cool in my book, cool enough to go in together and smoke up with.

    My main group of friends all smoked weed anyway though, so theoriticially I had my pot smoking only friends, and my pot smoking / all the time friends lol.

    Most people in NY smoke though, by the ninth grade pretty much everyone I knew atleast tried weed, and even if you didnt smoke daily / weekly, everyone would smoke at parties. I would have to say like 80% of my class smoked though.
  10. I find it hard to relate to people who don't smoke weed. Everything is way too repetitive and dull. You say "hey, hows it goin? whats up?" and the conversation either ends or starts over again.
  11. i got some friends that i really have nothing in common with besides smokin herb. A couple of those people I dont even like smoking with they are just where im at.

    I got some real close buddies though like the ones that will smoke you up when your broke because they know your fiening. And the ones that when you run out of cigs and are broke will spot you a pack and never ask you pay them back because they know next time they need help your there.

    +1 rep for any real friends
  12. i have some friends i have not much in common with besides smoking herb, some i have everything in common except smoking herb, and like 2 friends i have everything in common with
  13. All of my closest friends smoke weed. I don't discriminate, but it just so happens to be that way.
  14. yeah i know exactly what you meannn

    the majority of my friends though all smoke all the time
    i kinda got them into it hahahhaa
    we all hang out and blaze everydayyy with my mom

  15. As opposed to pot heads, where as the conversation is typically more like "Hey, what's up? You good?" :p All my friends are pretty much the same in my book, smoking pot really isn't a factor (my non smoker friends and I also are able to have real conversations, as opposed to McHempsteins sadly boring friends :S)
  16. I had Both at one time, but i found out that the ones that smoke are more friendlier and funner then the one's who don't

  17. Pot head friends and Real friends.

    The pot head friends are usually my smoking budies, although tons of my close friends smoke with us, but, if I got out, mostly at night, I'll call up my smoker budies, and the two groups will chill together.

    My close/real friends pretty much hang out whenever we're not smoking. We'll chill together all the time we aren't smoking/with other people.
  18. For me, I only have 1 true group of friends that I chill with all the time. Out of 7 I'd say, only 1 doesn't smoke but he's cool so all good there. The other day my friend had 2 of his friends that I don't really know over and one of them smoked (lets call him A). Apparently the other (B) wasn't cool with it because when he found out that his friend (A)was smoking in the garage (to hide his smoking from B). The B guy gets all pissed off and starts giving his frind alot of shit for it. Not cool.
    Well the point of that little story is, make sure ur friends either smoke or r cool with it.
  19. I use weed as a social tool. i meet new people through smoking it with friends, then it goes in a big circle. now i have partys (like 30 people) all come over and sit at mine riping all day.
  20. Nice post. I agree COMPLETELY (+rep). It isn't like, one group is better than the other, but it's just that the weed eases the friendship a little more. And lets face it, weed buddies are more trustworthy. Anybody can walk up to some random guy on the street and be like, "wanna be friends". But it takes trust to smoke weed with them.

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