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Pot decreases tumor size?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Relaxin420, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. hes an article i remember reading on digg about 2 years ago. its about how smoking marijuana reduces cancer tumor size. idk how valid it is and it was a while ago i read it but if anybody knows more i would like to be enlightened.
  2. Its true THC has anti-tumor properties.
  3. If I remember right... only some studies found it decreased tumor size, but most showed that it stopped tumor growth

    I think the decrease had to due with the type of tumor
  4. its shocking that the government can release a study in which helps people. im sure everybody knows somebody who has died from cancer. if smoking pot helps that then why the fuck isnt it atleast available for medical purposes everywhere? its a shame...
  5. Honeybun, hit the link in my sig and scroll down to "Cancer" for more "Cannabis vs Cancer" studies and just start reading!......... That will keep you out of mischief for a while! ;)

    Granny :wave:
  6. ill have to check them out.

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