pot connoisseur here about to get weight loss surgery. will my smoking b effected

Discussion in 'General' started by cannabislover, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Exercise man thats the only way ppl really dont look at the fat kid who works out not that serious so just workout and you'll see some change surgery is pretty extreme
  2. That's just flat out not true. Exercise is cumulative, and any amount of it will help you lose weight and be healthier.

    Did you know that you burn the same amount of calories if you walk a mile, as if you run a mile?

    Physical activity of any kind burn calories. Burning calories helps in losing weight. If OP is seriously overweight, he may only be able to walk at first, and do some light weight training. As his body adjusts to those activities, he can gradually do more challenging exercises...

    But a little exercise is better than no exercise. You can walk a few miles every day, and burn just as many calories as if you had run, instead... You do not need to be drenched in sweat to have burned a lot of calories.

    OP... Why don't you try walking a mile or two every day? It's not a big shock to your system, and it will help you to start losing weight - ESPECIALLY if you just cut down your food intake a little bit. You don't have to stop eating the things you love, just substitute a little of the not so healthy stuff for things that are more healthy.

    The key to overall healthy and nutrition is to eat a well balanced diet (meaning lots of different kinds of foods, and as much fruit and vegetables as you can stomach), and be physically active. You don't need to do hardcore workouts... Just be active... Walk a little, lift some weights... You'll see results in a relatively short amount of time, and that will encourage you to keep going. Not only will you look better, but you'll feel a lot better, too.
  3. im 21 yrs old, 5 ft 11 and I weigh about 300 lbs, and for as long as I can remember Ive been overweight. I dont like doing sports and working out because you just get laughed at. Ive already started trying to eat healthier. its been about a week since I've had a cheeseburger. I had a smoothie for lunch today and im sure ill get pizza or something for dinner. maybe chipotle if that would be healthier.
  4. go to the gym fool. people laugh at fat people eatin mickey d's not workin out. and if they do laugh who the fuck cares. your 21. you should know you should do shit for yourself and not for what other people might think of you.

    and pizza and chipotle wont help you at all. im talking salads and small meals. eat 5-6 times a day, but practice portion controll. have 5-6 "snacks" a day. it will keep your stomach active.

    oorrr. if you are as lazy as you seem coke addictions are expensive (yet so is drastic surgery). same with E. not that i condone any of this, but its how i lost alot of weight.
  5. #25 ManiacalPope, Jan 31, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2010
    Well fuck the people who laugh then, they're scum and their views are unimportant, the matter that makes them up would be better used as fertilizer. Just get it in your mind that what's good for you is the most important factor and rules over everything else. Best thing to do is just to make some huge lifestyle changes. Don't go on a diet, just totally change up your regular eating habits into something healthy that you can stick with for the very long term.

    Make sure the majority of the weight/amount of food you eat throughout the day consists of fruits & veggies, preferably raw (avoid sauces/oils/etc as much as possible). One thing I do is only allow myself one serving of meat (about the size of a deck of cards) for every 5 servings of fruit + 5 servings of veggies. Make sure you get a good amount of fiber also, I aim for at least 25 grams of it a day. It'll help a shitload with keeping you from feeling like you're constantly hungry while you get used to smaller amounts of food and such, plus it's just good to do skinny or fat or muscly or whatever else.

    Keep tons of fruits and veggies handy for snacking also. If you're used to snacking a lot and such just switch those foods with low cal fruits and such. Look up 'negative cal foods' on google or some other search engine and you should find a good list of fruits & vegs that're very very low cal that you can pretty much snack on all you want without much or any interference with your weight loss.

    Start exercising also of course, don't push yourself too hard starting out though. Start small and slowly build yourself up to higher intensity exercise. Rushing into it and just going all out could end up bad so take that slow but still make sure you stick to it.

    Basically just look at your overall diet, take out as much 'bad' things as possible, such as sugar and -some- fats, mainly saturated fats and such, some are good for you though and fine, research that. Take out all the bad and replace it with tons of good healthy foods like fruits, stick to exercise and it'll come on it's own over time. Of course also watch the amount you eat, don't go over a certain amount of cals in a day or else it won't matter how healthy your diet is and you'll still just stay the same weight or gain. It'll probably be extremely hard for a while at first but that's just reality and you just have to stick through it, use willpower.

    Oh, one more thing. Don't totally cut out unhealthy foods. It's fine to allow yourself something greasy or sugary and fattening every now and then, maybe use it as a reward for losing a certain amount of weight. Not like a massive amount but maybe every like 5-10 pounds lost let yourself have something 'good'.
  6. No one is going to laugh at you if you go to the gym... grown adults, for the most part, don't laugh at people working to try to better themselves. Maybe if this was the 8th grade...

    but let's pretend they did... why not exercise at home, then? Jogging around the block or whatever. Getting a simple treadmill, or a weight set. If you can afford this surgery, I don't see how you can't afford to buy yourself a gym membership or something to work out at home.

    Maybe think of taking Muay Thai, or boxing, or even jiu-jitsu if you're into physical stuff like that. It will be much easier for you to get into shape when you're having fun and not dreading exercise.

    & Chipotle, BTW, is pretty unhealthy stuff for the most part...

    check this out. It may be tasty, but it's pretty fatty stuff.

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