posting pictures

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by SmokinGirly, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. yea so how do put pictures in the actual reply to a thread?

    i cant do it for some reason, its pissin me off

  2. Make sure your pictures meet the picture size and file sizes that are required.

    Other than that, just click Manage Attachments which is located below the text box. When the small screen pops up, click browse, and find the picture on your computer. Double click it, and then click Upload in the Manage Attachments screen.

    Or host them on Photobucket and copy and paste the IMG code that photobucket gives you in the text area.
  3. uuhh..and i wanted to ask that for a while..:)
    how do you host them on Photobucket?

    and one more question
    are there any changes in posting pictures?
    i mean is there a size limit now in the pictures we can post?
    cause there is a size limit in sig pics.

    Im askin cause some i can post, some i cant using URL.

    and i used to be able to post them all.

    i hope that made sense... ^.^'

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