I don't know how to put pictures. I love to make milkshakes vanilla with chocolate syrup and sometimes caramel. And drink that during or after I smoke weed . But that shit is super bad for you so I mean tea or water does the job. POST PICS!!!!!! ...... As I will when I figure out how to do so too. Your favorite beer or whatever u like to drink for smoking up
My Wife got me a little home carbonation soda station from bed bath for me for xmas. COLD Carbonated water + bud is my favorite... Also an ice cold Newcastle doesn't hurt at all.
Sonic. Just go to sonic. Cherry limeaids vinella dr pepper ocean water. Or if u don't have a sonic just get something. Everything taste good stoned
I always got a nice glass of iced to tea when I smoke a J. It's always out of a red coca cola cup I've had since I was a teenager, Never got rid of it.
JONES <3 I haven't seen that shit since I moved away from New Jersey Used to be a favorite drink of mine. Ice cold water for me. For one, I don't like to drink sugary shit cause it kills my high quicker and my mouth gets all sticky and nasty. Just a buzzkill for me. Sticking to my H2O, never disappoints
HELL YEAH. I love dr pepper, Ive gone through two 12 packs in about half a day before, by myself haha. Shit is like liquid gold..