Post Your SAT Scores

Discussion in 'General' started by PunkRockZero, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Let's prove to the masses that we're not a bunch of dumbfucks!

    That being said, I got the shittiest grades in highschool, it's a miracle I even passed. I NEVER did my homework or studied for tests. I got home from school, smoked a bowl, made popcorn and watched the Discovery Channel.

    My SAT score?



    The official SAT thread is here. Post your SAT scores (even if they're shitty).
  2. i took the act
  3. Never took the SAT.

    But I was constantly recognized in the top 5% in star testing. (k-12 California Standardized testing)
  4. I took the thc's and got 9000
  5. i got a 1680.
    graduated hs in 2007.

    signed up for it the day before, which cost me double.
    totally worth it.
  6. ate thousand
  7. I got a 2160, 800 on the math. I won an award at my high school awards ceremony for that lol. Didn't go, all the honors kids were shocked I heard. Fuckin hated those kids
  8. Never took one.
  9. 1480.

    This was before they changed the scoring. I can't remember what my verbal and math breakdown was.
  10. I sucked at the math part, but I guess the LA part made up for it
  11. Never took it. I got mostly D's in school though.
  12. 1810, took it when I was really sick.
  13. About tree fiddy
  14. i 99 scored mine on...

    Oh, sorry that should be "I scored 99 on mine". My dyslexia was active.
  15. Wait. When you say your SAT score do you say the 3 scores combined or just the reading and math scores? I'm confused.
  16. You can post the reading and math scores too if you remember them (I've forgotten mine) but I had meant just the whole number

  17. When I took the SATs there were only 2 sections. Verbal and math.

    The new format added a third section, a writing section.
  18. I didn't take the SAT but took the ACT once. Was hungover and didn't do any practice shit my mom kept trying to make me do because I figured it would just be a practice one before I took it for real since it was only like march or april of my junior year. Ended up getting a 33 which is equivalent to a 2190 on the SAT and I never had to do anything of that testing again.

    Sorry, I sound pretty arrogant but not gonna lie, I loved bragging about it haha.

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