Post your "real" ghost stories

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by 20000678, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. I've had a few experiences in different places, and a few in my own home. The one experience that sticks in my memory with the most detail is one that happened when I was very little, believe it or not. I was 6 years old and it was Christmas. The whole family went to Midnight Mass together, as we always did. We always sat in the same pew at church too. This night, there was a little boy sitting against the wall in our pew. He was dressed in old, Little House on the Prairie type cloths too. The little boy was quiet through most of the mass, but we talked to each other a few times. When we got home, I got a spanking for talking to myself during church.

    I tried to explain that I wasn't talking to myself, but my mother spanked me more for lying. Many years later, after more and more activity happened around the house, my mother confessed that she finally believed me, and that she was sorry for spanking me.
  2. I dont take offense. Its a reasonable question.

    Energy is what makes existence possible. It makes the universe move, and the sun to shine. We have a small electrical charge in our bodies that keeps us alive. Any living being has this charge. Electrical impulses is the fuel for our brains. We can even monitor these impulses and they change depending on our mood, our environment, our LOC (level of consciousness).

    Anyone who has had any science classes should be aware of the Law of Energy. It states that energy can not be created nor destroyed. So what happens to this energy when we die? It doesnt just disappear. It goes back into the environment. The majority of ghost sitings are always in a location where the people experienced a very horrible and emotional death. The more emotional you get, the more your charge builds, and it has to be released somewhere. The theory is that this energy is absorbed into the surrounding area. A house, graveyard, or even a small object. Magick works on the same principle. Its believed that we can learn to control energy. Off topic but its an interesting thought
  3. I've got a bunch of these. There have been a lot of weird things I've experienced in my life. Some of them could possibly have an explanation, some of them I've tried for years to find an explanation. Just this past spring was one of the rare times when I've actually seen something though.

    It was late in the day about 30 or 45 minutes before sundown. I was driving down a little road that runs parallel to the main road connecting two towns, I was heading home. I had just come over a little rise when I saw a girl standing right beside the road. I did a double take, but by the time I had looked back I was already past her. The thing that was strange about it (other than it was a really dangerous spot to be standing> is that she was standing like she was on ground level with the road, but right there the ground drops off sharply at the edge of the pavement and down into a deep ditch. So she should have standing a foot lower than she was, at the very least.

    I looked in my mirrors but didn't see her any more. The glimpse I got of her was pretty clear. She looked about 18, had wavy blond hair, was wearing a light blue tank top or some other tight shirt and dark blue shorts. She was smiling, so at least she was happy.

    I know I could have just thought I saw her there. She seemed real and solid though. It really scared me at first, not because I thought I saw a ghost but because I thought I was going to hit her. That's how real she looked.
  4. #24 4 Four 2 Twenty 0, Nov 1, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2013
    Uhh my sister says she sees a lady in a dress but idk she has done numerous drugs so possibly side effects.. 3 people died in my home but it was my grandma, and her two husbands.
    So nothing. It's all about having good vibes and believing in god and they won't mess with you. I don't want to see/hear anything supernatural unlike you guys lol
  5. No story but if ghosts are our "souls" or whatever, then why do ghost stories have ghosts wearing clothes?...clothes have no souls or "lives" to die and be "ghost clothes"...shouldn't all ghost stories be of naked spirits? Not the "man standing at the top of the steps victorinian clothing and a top hat"

    Sent from Melmac...

  6. I got a blowjob from a ghost once.  It turned out to just be the new albino girl that moved in next door. :laughing:
  7. my dad and i, went on a fishing trip and saw a green dot. We poked it and it moved. You see my dad accidentally, ran into an owl. we took the owls remains, and put it in some panty liner. When things started growing, we took it and went fishing. We put it in a corner of the lake and then continued fishing. We came back to the place and we weren't catching shit. We get closer to the shore and find the little green dot. Dad took his fishing pole and poked it. When it moved he looked to me and said "So you guys wanna get out of here." as he dives for the driver seat. We just left and wondered about it. 
  8. My grandpa had told me that there was a ghost in the pool room of his house. I had always taken it as a joke. I was young, say around 9-10, at the time. They wouldn't let me play pool with the sticks yet, so I rolled the ball. One day, I was going to get the ball at the other end of a table, when a ghostly-looking hand appeared. Just the hand, no body. It grabbed the ball, moved it back and forth a few times, then disappeared. After the hand disappeared, the ball was still moving.

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