sporkula. And no, its NOT the scottish term, meaning a spork and a spatula breed sort of offspring. In all reality, its a spork that fucked dracula. Making a sporkula.
Since I'm already in my 40's and just getting it done, yeah I think I'll be happy with it when I'm in my 70's.
rofl didn't see that coming... anyways im super baked and forget the title of the thread, oh ya....Flossynossyhillapillafaction it means confusing
woahdy, I don't even know how to spell it but that's how it sounds, it's like bro, what up woahdy. Wwik = weakest woahdy i know. It's kinda our side of town/generation type thing. We call cigarettes grits too, idk what the fuck for but it's funny, so I go with it