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Post your pipe!

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by Jaames, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. Im pretty sure we all have or have had pipes so post yours up lets see how awesome some of these simple peices of glass can be

    here is mine, i'm only posting it for the sake of posting it because my pipe sucks


    Now lets see some of yours
  2. holy lord, ive never thought about putting hemp wick on my pipe. im going to try that.
  3. [quote name='"Jaames"']Im pretty sure we all have or have had pipes so post yours up lets see how awesome some of these simple peices of glass can be

    here is mine, i'm only posting it for the sake of posting it because my pipe sucks

    Now lets see some of yours[/quote]

    20 dollar piece :)

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  4. Nice glass y'all! I love the red helix swirls on your spoon, and the finger one is a very original piece! Cheers!
  5. This is Amber. Excellent quality fumed spoon for $20 from my LHS.

    The glass is really thick for a spoon (~5mm in the stem. 2-3mm in the mouthpiece/bowl). It's also nearly perfectly blown. There's one flaw on the stem swirls, but it's on the bottom so you do never see it anyway. The bowl is pretty deep for a spoon- I've only seen party bowls with bigger, well, bowls. One bowl will easily get two people to where they need to be, but more than that and you'll be repacking a few times. The only downside smoking-wise is the hole in the bottom- it's pretty wide so unless you drop a filter/piece of nug in there you'll be eating ash or burning your throat.

    I named her Amber 'cause when I was in grade school I read a book and one of the characters was named Amber, and I decided it was my favorite name ever. Not 'cause of the character. I just like the name.
  6. An old spoon, had a sad ending ;c
    Wish I could find another like it, I loved the rainbow on it.

  7. thanks man! for some reason, everyone on here loves it, but the people i smoke with in real life get weirded out... but in the end of the day, i love it, and thats all that counts haha
  8. This is Daisy. We've been together for years, but the time came for me to move on... to my new bong :smoke:
    Anyway, she packs a punch and is super resilient. Not even a crack through years of use. Yeah.
  9. I call him "The Professor".

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  10. Here's mine- won it in a contest years ago! :D

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  11. primal expressions in bethlehem pa
    its blown by a dude/ couple of dudes that go by PCB google pcb pipes, maybe you can order online? they are out of new jersey. it hits sooooo well doe
  12. image-420000773.jpg

    I don't know if you can tell from the pic, but it's filled with water and glitter. Fun to shake up and watch AFTER I'm done with my bowl, lol.

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  13. My three primary bowls. All blue, and all unnamed.

  14. The one on top is a bowl my sister bought for me. The second is Miss Cherry, my first piece.

  15. [quote name='"CarloMarx"']The one on top is a bowl my sister bought for me. The second is Miss Cherry, my first piece.


    fuck i love the one at the top looks fucken dope

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