Post your favorite political meme

Discussion in 'Politics' started by cball, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. Who's the real terrorists?

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  2. Who would you vote for?

    Vladirack Putama :

    .. OR

    Baramir Obutin


    Imagine these two running against one another. [​IMG]

  3. That top picture is just fucking creepy.
  4. I dont know...looks like hes maybe a Chairman of the Czerka Corporation.
  5. Makes me think of that Futurama episode where the candidates are Jack Johnson and John Jackson hahaha

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  6. Looks like some Tim and Eric face warp shit lol
  7. I'm not necessarily taking a side cause I tend to be more for the Israel policy but this is a very misleading stat. Israel's population is about 8 million and Americas is about 320 million which are both roughly proportional to the number of school shootings.

  8. [​IMG]

  9. You forgot the part where the tent was actually a field hospital and 4 civilians were killed.
  10. Ha! Here's for all the gun control nut jobs.

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