Post your favorite dog breeds

Discussion in 'General' started by E n i g m a, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Corgis


    Australian Shepherd




    Labrador Retriever


    Post an adult and a puppy if you would.:smoke:
  2. Stop posting threads like this, man... can we have a real conversation for once? :)
  3. how bout you stop hating on every thread you post on or just dont post at all...

  4. Lab or any kind of wolf mix.

  5. You Realize a girl goes threw a thing called "the rag" aka PMS..Its cool just wait a week. :wave:

    My favorite dog breeds.

    -Doberman Pincher.
    -Border Collie
    -Australian Shepard (don't know anyone who hates them)
    -Pit bulls
    -English Mastiffs
  6. Boxers. Best dog for anything.

  7. No one asked you to post in this thread at all? :wave:
  8. #8 Eric111E, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Pitbull is my favorite
  9. Border Collies, Black Labs, Bull Terriers : ) Beagles! I love dogs.
  10. Pitbull
    German Shepherd
  11. I don't hate on threads... just happened to notice that this OP has a habit of making pointless threads asking random questions.. tired of seeing so many of them figured I'd speak up.

    I'd rather see interesting discussion threads than things asking favorite dog breed or what I ate today.... no need to hate on me for speaking up
  12. #12 E n i g m a, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    There you go. Two. :rolleyes:

    Finding out what people have eaten today is interesting. :cool:
    Tell that to the thirteen people who posted in that thread. ;)
    So...if you don't have anything USEFUL or RELEVANT to contribute to this thread
    Then please kindly go. :wave:
  13. #13 Royksopp, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011

    Well, that's what YOU want to see. Luckily this is, where members can make threads about whatever they want to discuss (as long as it follows the rules). You do have the option of not posting in the thread you know :D And mods do a pretty good job of taking care of "pointless" threads, so no need to worry :wave:

    Anyways, these are my favorite pups:



    Siberian huskies

    German sheperds

    Definitely getting me one of these as soon as I move out :love:
  14. These are pretty much the same breeds I was gonna post........

    I'll add a Caucasion Ovcharka (would love to own one of these):


    Another pic:
  15. I'm gonna get so much shit for this. Fuck it though.


    Blue Pits are so fucking beautiful.

  16. #17 E n i g m a, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Are those Yorkies?
    We have a psycho Yorkie that will bark at you if you go in the kitchen and start fucking with shit.
    Or just for no reason it will start barking at you while your sitting on the couch.
    And it shits and pisses everywhere in the house because it won't go outside, we even have a doggy door.
    And then again on Animal Planet right now Dogs 101 has a Yorkshire terrier who is playing poker.
  17. Shetland Sheepdog
    Bernese Mountain Dog
    German Shepard
    Tatra Mountain Dog(Polish Native)
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Of course Pits, Labs, and German Shepherds. Also


    and of course the Puli :laughing:

  19. LMAO!!! :laughing:

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