Post Your Fav Stupid Stoner Jokes

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by mjmama25, Jul 12, 2011.

  1. Some jokes are just so stupid I can't help but laugh. What are your favorite stupid stoner jokes? Here's one of mine.

    Ancient Chinese proverb - Man standing on toilet, high on pot.
  2. A cop pulls over a car full of stoners. The cop goes up to the car and the driver rolls down the window and the cop said '"Congratulations! You have won two thousand dollars for wearing your seat belt!" The driver says, "Oh, I thought you pulled me over for not having a license!" Then the driver's girlfriend says, "Don't mind him, he's always paranoid when he's stoned." Then a friend in the back seat says, "I thought you pulled us over for this pound of weed over here!" Then another friend from the back says, "I thought you pulled us for this stolen car!" Then the cop hears someone in the trunk say, "Are we over the border yet man?"

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