If you have noticed, there's a 'Post Quick Reply' button at the bottom of every thread. I find it really funny because that's the least quickest way to reply...
That's the button I've clicked everytime I've ever made a post...holy fuck I just noticed the normal "reply" button. Haha, I guess that's why they call it dope.
Huh? You mean the button with the single 'quote' thing? Dont know what you mean. Its the quickest way for me
The slowest way to reply is to use the hotkey function designated for the 'Quick Reply' button. Try pressing Alt S LOL...
testing out quick reply for the first time! lol been to lazy to mess with it but since there is a thread here... haha
Me too. But then the word 'quick' got my attention, and I was like, hm... 'quick' aye? How much quicker can it get? And I pressed it... and I was like, "Is there something wrong with my computer????" and I was confused for a while...
I pretty much use quick reply all the time. About the only time I don't is if I'm quoting someones post in a reply.