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Possibly moving to Seattle?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Spyro99, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. Hello blades, I might possibly be moving to finish up my bachelors degree next fall. I am looking to attend Evergreen State University in Olympia. Is anyone from the area and how is it bud wise? Any specific likes or dislikes about the area around Olympia and Seattle?

    Thanks guys. :bongin:
  2. bud in that part of the country is great......hope you like the rain?
  3. Olympia and Seattle aren't reall that close, if I remember correctly, I think it's about 2-3 hours from Seattle to Olympia. But I loved livnig up there, you have everything you want within a 2 hour drive. Ocean to the west, mountains to the east, snow up north, warm in the south.
  4. Awesome.
    I would also like to add that we are also considering Eugene, Oregon for the University of Oregon and if anyone who has any experiences with that are we would love to hear them. :bongin:
  5. If you plan on going to Evergreen be prepared to become a communist. They are so far overboard there on their political views that if you don't buy into it you may as well not even go there.:devious: Eugene isn't much better as far as that goes from what I hear, no personal exp there tho.

    I know this isn't the forum for political discussion but I thought it was important enuff to at least mention as it does relate to how you are recieved and what your life will be like there

  6. They are about 60 miles apart but can take nealy as long as you say if you are going from Seattle to Olympia during rush hr
  7. The engineers that created the freeway system in that state need to be lined up and shot, repeadetly.
  8. pretty sure that Vancouver bud be comin in there, nice and dank.
  9. Lol Vancouver bud eventually makes it everywhere

    Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  10. Vancouver Bud!!!:hello::hello::hello:

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