I think yesterday or the day before while I was on my jog walk (alternation between jog and walk) I thought or softly spoke "I want some marijuana" or "I need some marijuana" Yesterday while I was on my walk (different from my jog walk and which I engaged after my jog walk) I happened upon a small baggie which contains a green herb of some sort It was raining and I am unsure if the contents got wet due to this The contents seem to be very fine and somewhat 'mush' together I basically have done other than smoke a lot of marijuana in a while and I cant tell if the contents are marijuana I do intend to smoke the contents though If it is marijuana then I think it was a great find and thank you to whomever guided me to it I want to ask for some information though I havent dealt with marijuana in these small baggies before thus I am ignorant of how much is usually fit into these small baggies (the ones you can find simply walking around outside many places and sometimes have small pictures on them) Also I am ignorant of if this amount is enough for one person to smoke Also I am ignorant if I should possibly let it dry if it is moist (it appear other than wet however the contents do mush together) Thank you for any informational aide On a similar note I also found an unopened blunt wrapper package (i believe blueberry flavor) within a month or two ago thus =)
If it's the small baggy I'm thinking of, you have about an 8th. If you smoked that whole blunt, you'd be bakkkked. You can probably get away with only smokin half. The bud could just be mushing together because it's sticky. Seems like it'd be pretty obvious whether or not it was wet. If it is wet though, let it dry for sure.
Could be marijuana, but the only way we can tell is if you post a picture. You said mushy... is it wet or dry? Take it out and let it air out. The chances are if it were on the ground in the rain, its wet and not smokeable.
How about you light a little bud on fire before you smoke it? You should be able to tell from the smell whether or not you got some buds or not.
Well, to begin with, the bag is a bag. No particular size required. So to the guy saying it might be an eighth. There are no pictures so you don't know how much weed it is. If it's the same small baggies I used to get weed in, it wouldn't fit an eighth anyways. Secondly, let it dry up. It should still be good though (depending on how wet it is.) I've had wet weed which I put next to a hot lamp and it dried out decently. Or you could set your oven to a very very low temperature for just a few minutes. That would also help. Honestly though, if you're unsure of the amount and if it will get you stoned or not, I would go but a little more to mix with it. It will also help with the taste and smoke of it. Enjoy
I have a digital camera however I am currently a novice with it thus the pictures appear other than very detailed I also am without a connection from the camera to put the pictures online Yeah I think it is marijuana I looked at some pictures online and it is probably not as much as an eighth though I cant tell due to its fineness Bud is other than noticeable The contents are fine making it look like a mass clump of a finely cut herb It perhaps is a little moist because of how the mass clump together and some 'stick' to the bag The bag is without any noticeable water though There are some seed / part of seed noticeable It does have a scent though Thanks I probably will enjoy
lol dude sounds like a dime baggie. max like 1.5 grams let it dry out regardless. what does it smell like man? u really on grasscity asking us if u have weed or not bro?
just smell it? smels like weed, probably is weed lol, and you can probably dry it out by just setting it in the sun by a window or something with the bag open
it seem to be dry currently I think it is marijuana due to piece of seed which I recognize amoung the 'herb' PlAsId HiT I cant quite recognize marijuana by smell currently or this marijuana anyway AlwaysHi Thanks for the comment about the grammar I think my grammar vary somewhat however I believe the way I currently type at least is a result of attempting to clear and straighten my thought and mind
Hence the reason I said "IF it's the baggy I am thinking of" read more carefully, never once said YOU HAVE 3.5g's.
OP, are you serious? Roll that shit up and SMOKE IT. All of your questions will be answered you eager beaver you. Just SMOKE THAT WEED.
First of all Its kinda odd that an MJ smoker is having a hard time identifying MJ. Secondly, I think its a bad idea to just pick something off the ground and smoke it especially if you aren't sure what it is. Is weed really that hard to find where you live?