So I have this mini grow box I made out of an old speaker, its about a foot and 2 inches tall and about 8 inches wide. I have two mini CFLs in there with two PC fans (of wich do not move as much air as I wanted do to not being able to cut a square hole and just drilling a bunch of mini holes) It gets up to 36 degrees ( 97 Fahrenheit ) in there, is it possible to grow in these conditions? I've read that it slows vegative growth a fair amount. How should I address this problem?
too high. mid 80's is somewhat high. just drill more holes it sounds like. or find a way to cut a square. my temps are between 67 and 76. thats perfect.
do you think taking one of the lights out would help? I'm sure it would do something, it's a small grow anyway.
how do you have your fans set up? I would only use one and have it some where near the top(heat rises) sucking air out of your box(exhaust) . and just a hole near the bottom sucking air from outside(intake)
Heat rises, so you're probably better off having the intake pulling cool air in from the bottom and the exhaust shooting the hot air out the top. It might also make sense to consider a passive intake and two exhaust fans.
your airflow is setup backwards. you want there to be 2 outakes near the top by the lights and your intake at the bottom of the case. those temps are WAY too high. 90 degrees is the max you can grow in and even then you will experience stunted growth and other issues. using 1 less light will not help much because your problem is that there is too much hot air being trapped in there. change your airflow as suggested and you will experience a substantial change in your temps.