Possible zinc deficiency? help (pics)

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by RustyMarsh, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. using Fox farms ocean forest (just put them in it, before was in dirt from garden, unknown ph)
    Growing them indoors, started them outdoors
    Bag seed
    A little over a month old
    Using Cfl's, 2 42watts, 4 23watts. they're under 12/12 right now, its been about a week
    about 3-4 inches from plant tops
    water 2-3 times a week, when top 1/2-1in of soil is bone dry, or they show signs of needing water
    I was feeding them once a week, but haven't for the last 4 watering because I wasn't sure if I was doing it right, I was using GH FloraMicro, FloraGro, and FloraBloom, a friend gave them to me. but for now I've been giving them a tsp of molasses with every watering.
    not sure on the ph of the soil, but the ffof bag says it has a ph of about 7. I water with ph adjusted water at 6.5-7
    no bugs

    growth has slowed and the lower leaves of both plants are starting to yellow and droop a slightly.

    I believe that I have to different strains going, they look dramatically different here is the first. this plant is showing more signs that something is wrong than the other. these pics are of the same plant


    any Idea whats causing the rosetting and brown spots?


    temps run between 74-85 with a RH between 30-40%
  2. #2 RustyMarsh, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2010
    this is the other plant


    look from the top, the newest growth is bunching up because the stem is failing to elongate between nodes, also the new growth is small, slow growing and discolored

  3. Hi.

    So, if I understand u correctly, shes been in flower for the past 2 weeks and has had nothing for the last 4 waterings ??? How much time is that ???

    Time to start the flower nutes, big-time.

    Also, the plant is showing micronute defs. I think youre right with Zn. It wouldnt hurt to give all the rest tho.

    Besides that, theyre nice chunky plants man.

  4. thanks man, this is my first grow so hiccups are expected, by me at least. Because I replaced the soil should I just give them flowering nutes, or should I ease them into it
  5. Ya, Id start off at about half dose. They should eat it up real quick.
    Im betting they take a full dose by second feed.

    Youll see a big difference.

  6. few more questions man, any idea how soon the plants should show improvement so I know whether or not i fixed the problem. I'm almost positive it was a ph problem because I couldn't have been over feeding them. I'd like to do a flush to see what the run off ph is, but I don't want to over water them. IDK do you think that would be a good thing to do?
  7. Ph issues are (usually) caused by overfeeding, and u were UNDERfeeding.

    U wont overwater them. No need for a flush tho.

    Give a good watering with the first half dosage of the flower nutes.

    The numbers say that theoretically, the ph inside that container is 6.7 - 6.8, which is just the high end of acceptable. So on second thought, maybe start off at 1/4 dose.

    Do u follow me man lol ???

  8. yeah, i got you man. thanks for all the advice
  9. You are welcome.

    Please drop me a line when youre gonna chop !!!

  10. well the one plant with the fat leaves turned all hermie on me I was like wtf man, I guess its because they're bag seed, so I had to chop it down which sucked

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