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Possible way to smoke indoors

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Buck762, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. I was thinking today of a good way to toke up inside and came up with an idea. Smoke in front of the fireplace, and blow the hit up the chimney. Would this work, has anybody tried this?? Could sombody please test this out? I dont wanna risk testing it since I live with my parents and they just recently caught me so im in hot water.

    Remeber to open the chimeny chute before you try blowing ur hits up there btw

    your help is appreciated
  2. try a dyer sheet too.. that shit does work lol. i heard about using an empty toilet paper roll and a rubber band and blowing through that
  3. I did what mike said only I have a big cardboard box covered w/ dryer sheets inside so I can just hot box it up and stay inside like a photobooth.
  4. Bathroom. Toilet Paper roll. Dryer sheets. Fan. Window. Hit. Sploof. Hit. Sploof. Febreeze. Hot shower. Get out, leave shower on. Turn on hot and run over bar of soap. Close window and turn off fan. Let it fog up. Spray more febreeze. Turn off shower, open window, turn on fan. Take a few minutes, let febreeze smell disipate a bit. Leave bathroom. Tada!
  5. Thats going to poison you. dryer sheets are toxic.

    @OP, if you have the privacy to smoke into a fireplace, im sure you have the privacy to repect the rents' house and step outside
  6. Most people close the flue to the chimney when not in use so if that is the case the smoke will not go anywhere but in the room. Also it can make some noise opening the flue so not advisable.
  7. lol cheebz ur crazy!
  8. That and the chimney dont worrk until theres enough heat in the fireplace to force the smoke up.
    If theres a fire going - you're golden - If not more than likely the wind from outside will just blow the smoke back in.
    Good Luck:smoking:
  9. wen you are smoking in the house it will smell if you trying to blow it basicly anywheres the fireplace will not work you would have to smoke up in the chiminy and blow it up in there for it not to smell
  10. Open the window in your room. Get the paper roll from paper towels, slide through window opening, close window just enough so paper roll can fit through and you can blow out. Take a hit, blow out, no smoke goes in room, all outside, plus paper towel roll is long so really no smoke comes back in.

    Fuck sploofs. This shit works.

  11. Good idea. And with such a small opening if the temperature is colder outside than inside it will work by shear law of physics.
  12. I one-up'd your idea some time ago. I use a long rubber hose from my vaporizer and let it dangle several feet below the window. you don't have to sit in an awkward position pressing up on the window; the hose gives. All the smoke goes directly in the tube as well, and the window can be pinched more.

  13. You know what would be even better;

    If you could modify the end of that paper towel roll to hug the tip of a bubbler or something where you drag out of. (make it detachable)

    you would light the bubbler out your window as well and drag in through the paper towel roll, detach the bubbler from the end, and exhale through it. this is pretty much 100% no smoke inside at all
  14. i always try and think of shit like that, but then i realize that i can just walk out to the garage (detached) and smoke in there without worrying about anything. or on the patio (but its really cold)

  15. i hate smoking outside cause its always so fucking cold and windy and i have a hard time LIGHTIN MY BOWL cuz i dont got a TORCH
  16. i did his but put it up be cuz smoke rises and i put a dryer sheet at the end no smell:smoking:
  17. i recently stopped the parents thought i was smoking cigarettes in the bathroom....... well i would use a waterfall peice and do it right before id take a shower and blow right out the window i got caught when i got too baked left the lighter on the counter and my mom saw it but i also sit right in my room with my lightbulb ghetto vape it works great i get good use outta it but it kills lighters cause i sit there lighting the damn thing for so long is that normal?and for the paper towel thing out your window what are you smoking a bowl?

    what i do, i took a water bottle cut off the bottem, just about an inch, and stuffed the whole thing with dryer sheets. then i put like ten over the end of it and used rubber bands to hold it on

    blow the smoke in there and only a smell-less vapor comes out the other side

    works like a charm

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