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possible smoking game

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mc boba fett, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. ok so me and my buddies thought of a kinda game thing to play while ur smoking
    we played the other day with 7 or 8 people and it was pretty fun

    At least 3 people

    Put something in rotation, j, blunt, pipe, then the person who started the roto will pick a song after he hits first
    There will be 2 roto's 1 of weed and one of tunes moving at the same time but at different speeds
    The song cannot be longer then 8min unless a majority vote says yes
    After 1min of song if the majority says skip it then it gets turned off and the next person picks the song. If a song gets skipped then its choser must loose his a place in the circle fro 1 rotation (gets skipped)
    If a song is played and everyone in the room says unanimously that it's the perfect song for the moment its chooser gets 2 hits
    If a person gets 3 songs that are “perfect” he then gets a bowl from a bong or gravity bong or what ever is the best thing u have to smoke out of at the moment, if u only have one thing then the person is awaded with like 5 hits or some shit idk
    Keep smoking and keep listenin till you get hungry or some shit but what ever it's a sweet game
  2. Seems like more trouble than it's worth. I just usually let someone put music on and then leave it on for the duration. I go by albums, not singles.
  3. Smoke weed listen to music. Gotcha.
  4. Way too fucking complicated. you'll have to simplify this shit.
  5. I've got one. First one to say anything related to being high loses.
  6. I don't like the OP's game, why would I sacrifice a hit of my weed because someone doesn't like my musical tastes? Some of my friends hate rap, while others hate metal, 2 genres I love. If they tried skipping me over putting on a song I'd start a fight right there, thats bogus as fuck.

    My favorite weed smoking game is called "hit it till its gone"
    Pretty fun

    Edit: and wouldn't you need a whole computer with speakers if that's what your using for music? I don't think you can play music on a cpu.
  7. That is seriously like the biggest buzzkill ever.
    The kid I used to smoke with would always ask if I was high and I just wanted to punch him in the face.
  8. White people always wanna make games out of everything...
  9. I hate listening to music when in a group.pisses me off like nothing else when people insist on it.
  10. Too complicated and confusing, after smoking for a bit everybody would just get confused about who's turn it is to smoke haha. I say just start the rotation and put on some chill tunes and relax. :smoke:

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