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Possible short bag.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by clyde frog, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. picked up an 8th today and i must say it looks maybe 0.5 short. i picked up of my regular dealer and usually the bags are fat, it might just be because it is really dense and a little squashed from being in my sock all day. what should i do? right now i'm thinking i'll just let it slide but if it happens again i'll say something. what do you guys think?
  2. I think get a scale so you know for sure.
  3. I think you should weigh it before you accuse your dealer of shorting you an amount that small.
  4. have a friend with a scale weigh it out, or go drop 20-30 dollars on a scale from a headshop so you can tell for sure yourself. =]

    best investment ever. saved myself from being skimped countless times.

  5. that's a good point, but i really don't have the money for that right now, w.e i'll just let it slide, it's the first bag ever that i have thought looks short and i've been buying off him for so long, and other times he has hooked me up with an extra half a g so it's nothing. AND it's really dense nug, which has been squashed in my sock all day.
  6. Yeah one of the best things you can have when buying weed is a scale. Most dealers should have a scale, well atleast if they are serious about dealing. Next time you buy, try and ask if you can see him weigh it out, or just buy a scale and be set for whatever you wanna do! :smoking:
  7. Personally i've never actually bought, but instead just get it from friends and stuff. However, i like your idea of letting it slide this time until you can get a scale. i mean shit happens, so i wouldn't start shit with the guy unless he continues to sell you short.

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