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Possible root problem!

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Money Money, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. #1 Money Money, Jan 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 13, 2010
    Ok my plants are real healthy lookin but i checked out the roots today and there a bit brown....i added nuets about 2 days ago and my roots took off like grew 2 times what they were but they are a bit brown and i ran my finger accross 1 root and the brown came off kinda like an this root rot and what can be causing level is about 5.8-6.2 i got 3 pumps and 3 airstones in the 10 gallon tote.....any ideas? thanks!

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  2. hey again money...You might want to look into making your container light-proof right away.You can use the black plastic sheeting for construction.I saw some at Wally mart and bought mine @ home depot.It's Husky Brand 4 mil black plastic sheeting.Maybe $8...
    or you could always paint the container.Might chip off though. I am having great results w/ no nasties in the water at all.Black plastic "skirt" around the tub w/ enough to tuck under the bottom.Also do the top, maybe 2 layes if you want.i used 2 layer emergency blankets(just like mylar)to cover the top.It's like a cave in there, you'll need a flashlight to check ur roots.
  3. Maybe someone else will comment on if you should snip those roots.I had this prob,caught it early.I did the root snip, no probs w/ the plant now, or the other 5 in the tub.I would also change the water, do a little scrubbing inside.I went w/ distilled right after my root prob.A little Hydrogen Peroxide wouldn't hurt, but it will bring ur PH down. Monitor that for sure.Try to keep that water clean as possible.I recently started collecting snow, boiling in a large pot, filtering and re-bottling in water jugs.Takes some effort w/ the snow, but it is right at a 6.0 PH.But I'm unemployed and get paid for whatever it is I happen to be snow coming Thurs...
  4. ok do you think its the light making the roots like that? i just scrubed the tub 2 days tub is blue and i dont think that any light is getting in there but im gonna put some evtra black plastic or somethin over it to make it even darker.....yea if its not one thing its another.....but yea man the plants look great tho...way better from when they were droopy.....thats why i dont know if the roots were a problem....but ill darken the tote up a bit and see if that works......
  5. also 1 more thing are these roots suppost to be white cause i seen somewhere that sometimes they turn brown and its normal....
  6. ok well i blacked out the sides of my blue tub to make it darker...made a difference so lets see if that does it...i didnt do the top of the tote cause i dont want the black to absorb the light....but its still dark in there....i might paint it black later and theres no snow where im from so cant use i also added some h202 3% around 3oz a gallon cause i read that it kills bacteria and its just algae growin on the roots i think cause when i wipe it off underneath the roots are like a cream color so i guess thats normal from the nuets.... so i think ur right its the lights algae grows from light.....what you think bro?

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  7. dude, you gotta black out all light from the interior. Use chrome metallic duct tape the kind that A/C guys use, its in Home Cheapo.
    Light getting to the solution will cause algae & more problems than het off the top of your bucket

    then if your watering thru the hydroton you got HT dust on them which is normal if you didnt flush the HT first.

    Last just rinse off the crud, yes you can pick each net pot up & put the roots under a hand held sink sprayer & it will rinse off.[​IMG]
  8. Yea I darken it already but I didn't use nothing like foil or close to it....foil creates hotspots and also absorbs the light......thanks for the help tho....
  9. brb...going to get myself some aluminum tape @ the cheapo.You definitely should too, Money...Those buckets look lonely.That looks like my next system will after this first stab @ it.Nice.Good luck Money.Hope they make it.
  10. Foils no good bro....yea I fixed my problem....thanks for the info....I didn't think that was a bigdeal cause the tote was already a dark color.....but it made a difference n so did the h202....big difference....thanks
  11. Hey money. Just thought you should know that it's "aluminum foil" for cooking that creates hot spots that you should stay away from ;) the foil tape that 77 was referring to is good to use.

    Good luck with your grow :smoke:
  12. I found the same tape, but @ lowes.and I have 4 85w(350w equivalent each) cfls that are barely warm.Is it the Hotter lights that will do the cooking?I am getting no reflective heat.

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