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Possible Resi' hit off an unclean bowl?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Caboose429, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. So yesterday I smoked 10 bowls out of my new pipe with some of my friends while we were skiin' yesterday. Not all at one time in about three different sittings throughout the day. I have not cleaned the pipe at all since.
    Today I just got kinda ticked off about a lot of stuff. So in a state of anger I took a flame to my bowl and did the usual deed. I did that twice, on an unclean bowl and now I am slightly lifted. Not baked, just lifted. I got a nice lungfull of smoke from it. My question is... What just happened? Is it possible I got some resin off an unclean bowl. Or is it that there were a couple pieces of shredded bud in the bowl. I just don't see how I got two fair size hits.
    Thanks for your help
  2. Resin in the bowl. Cover the push and light through the carb to get some new spots.
  3. it's hard not to smoke resin when you got a dirty piece. but i'm guessing you did in fact get some resin or unburned bud in the resin atleast

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