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Possible pests, nute splash, defeciency, something else?? Please help

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Sunday687, Jun 2, 2019.

  1. Hey guys not sure whats up here this is only affecting a few leaves on the bottom of my plant just noticed it today. It kind of looks like pests damage but looked everywhere with a loupe and cant find anything. Anyone recognize what can cause this darker splotching thats turning to holes i removed 4 leaves that i saw it all on very bottom of plant im about 2.5 weeks in flower.
    Temps 74-77 lights on 70- 75 lights on
    Lights- 4 qb 288 v2s
    Humidity- 40-50%
    In soil happy frog
    Water with distilled ph 6.5
    Did a soil slurry test and its spot on 6.5
    Fed nutes 50 % strength 5 days ago advanced nutrients g,m,b and big bud its possible i splashed some nutes on these leaves hopefully lol.
    Hopefully someone can help me out if you need some certain info ask trying to figure out what kind of pests can cause if it is pest related since i couldnt find any. Thanks for the help


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  2. the tips shows some burn.
    Did you calibrate your PH meter the last time?
  3. You know I get shit like that down towards the bottom of the plant. The QB's don't penetrate all the way down so you have to defoliate and remove the bottom branches that won't do nothing anyways
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  4. Well all your number's seem good to me, i would hazard a guess of Splash Burn.

    Im interested in other blade's responses to your thread, another thing to recognize and learn about.:thumbsup:
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  5. Yes i have recently calibrated it it is a cheapo 30 dollar one i also use ph test drops alongside it whuch are also showing 6.5ish on the drops thanks

    Sent from my LG-SP200 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. Damn 30 bucks... I got the cheap ones for 11 bucks from fleabay
  7. Yea i shoulda got one online got it from my hydro store i live in a red state so the markup is pretty crazy ita probs only 10 bucks online wont make that mistake again lol but do you think there looking alright? Im more worried about pests than anythimg but havent been able to research any damage similar to this. You think its just from low light or something?

    Sent from my LG-SP200 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. Just pull em' off and keep watch. I got leaves like that too at the bottoms and I cut em' off along with the small 12 inch or so limbs that will never make more than a joint. They take more from the plants than it gives back.
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  9. Alright cool will do ill update if i see it spreading more i appreciate it

    Sent from my LG-SP200 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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