I dont reside in Canada but good luck! Court challenge aims to legalize all cannabis use "Medical marijuana advocates are planning a court challenge aimed at legalizing all cannabis use, in response to the latest restrictions announced by Health Canada. The federal government announced last week that it would allow designated producers to grow marijuana for as many as two medical users, instead of a maximum of one, permitted under the old regulations. The previous rules were ruled unconstitutional by a Federal Court of Canada judge in January, 2008, because they did not provide for a sufficient legal supply of cannabis for medical users without having to use the black market."
good luck to canada... if they do it hopefuly the US will take a a more serious view on it (the gov, atleast)
if this gets passed, thats good news for Montana!! we already get dank bud from up north but if its legalized, oooooh the bud that'll be coming this way!!
Yeah, negativity, that's what we need. What's your rationale? If marijuana becomes legal for some STRANGE reason I feel like it'll be worth less pound for pound than gold, unlike it is now, due to the fact of the risk associated with carrying it.
I have my doubts about it passing but I'll keep my fingers crossed. BTW Agnuis Dei, if marijuana was legalized, why would you not start your own grow, I would.
To those who say that weed wont be cheaper with it legal, why do you think weed friendly Canada has such cheap, excellent weed, and drug war, post reagan/bush America has the $60 eighths? I don't know about you guys, but i've never seen a canadian buy a $400 ounce. As for the legalization,i hope so, but with faggot harper in office we're never gonna get anywhere.
its time for canada to just legalize it!!! we all want it but the USA and big business are in our way of cheep legal herb for all. STOP THE WAR ON DRUGS [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8B8T5ARp4M]YouTube - Why Prohibition? - Cannabis in Canada[/ame]
Canada is not legalizing it. They just passed Bill C-15 to enact mandatory minimum sentences for marijuana: http://www.whyprohibition.ca/ Prime Minister Harper pulled $4 million in funding to medical marijuana. http://boards.cannabis.com/canada/86617-harper-cutting-medical-research-funding.html Canada is poised to extradite Marc Emery to serve time in a US jail. http://www.cannabisculture.com/v2/node/18283 Where is this legalization debate going on?
way to rain on our parade but why do those events translate into Canada not legalizing? it is illegal now so those articles would be justified. Except maybe the harper one but he is just a douchebag.
I was going to say that. This is just telling us something we already knew. That harper and his cabinet are douches. For example Ottawa's bus strike in the winter which lasted a full 3 months. The only people who could have fixed it quickly just sat on their asses and said to let the union and the city work it out. Even though it was obvious that they weren't coming to any agreements. Also the poster of the articles about the government missed a key point in the initial article. They don't intend to legalize it legislatively. They mention quite clearly that that is not working. They intend to defeat the government in court to gain what they want
I hate to be a downer but it's the truth. There is and never has been a marijuana legalization bill on the table in Canada that I am aware of. Decriminilization bills were on the Parliament floor in 2003 and 2004 and did not pass. The NDP, Green Party and of course the Marijuana Party all support legalization but they are not in power. Harper and the conservatives are, and they going the opposite way of legalization. They passed Bill C-15 (with the support of Ignatieff and the Liberal Party) on Monday that creates a mandatory minimum of 6 months for growing 1 marijuana plant. There have been challenges in Ontario and Federal courts to the marijuana laws. The big one was in 2000 when Ontario Judges struck down marijuana laws until exemptions for medical marijuana were added to the law. But on the Federal level the Controlled Drugs and Substances act is still the law of the land. Police are still pursuing marijuana users. Ontario courts have declared that the Controlled Drugs and Substances act is invalid, but it has not change Federal policy. I think that is what people are looking at when they talk about legalization. Here's the NDP End Prohibiton site: eNDProhibition - NDP Against the Drug War Sorry to be such a downer but Bill C-15 passing mandatory minimums just went in Monday.
I didn't miss the point. I'm well aware of the court efforts to overturn marijuana law. Even though Ontario courts have declared the Controlled Substances act invalid it has not made marjuana legal. Ontario courts have been making these rulings since 2000. I'm not sure who you mean by "they" but there are people trying to legalize it legislatively like Dana Larsen with the NDP. Or the Marijuana Party. The effort is multi-pronged, it's not just the courts or the parliament, or the media. But anyway you cut it Bill C-15 passing on Monday was a big step backwards.
Exactly. I'm Canadian, and the most I will EVER pay is $210/ounce, and that's if its REALLY dank bud.
" If he is successful, it would effectively mean that there is no prohibition on possessing or producing marijuana, for medical or recreational use." Only expensive if you don't grow it for your own "recreational" use.
If this happens, I'm seriously going to move to Canada. Ive always wanted to move to Canada, it sounds like the best place to live.